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Everything posted by grib
  1. grib

    Float Height

    Nigel, it sounds like your floats are attached to the arm that closes the needle valve. My bike has a PHBL carb on it with separate floats sliding up & down pins in the float bowl, the arm that the floats act on is not parallel to the gasket surface when it is resting on the needle so you can measure different heights all along its length.
  2. grib

    Float Height

    The Gas Gas handbook shows the float height being measured at 18.5mm, does anyone know whether this should be measured with the spring loaded pin in the float needle compressed or not? Also the Gas Gas Museum site says the float valve operating arms should be parallel with the gasket surface, mine are not parallel when the spring is compressed or not compressed. What settings for float height is anyone using succesfully, and how do you measure it??
  3. grib

    05 Bars

    Does anyone know where you can get "soft straps"? my local shop doesn't stock them.
  4. grib

    Pro Gear Oil

    When I spoke to Gas Gas UK they said don't use ATF with the 2004 clutch plates because it will make the clutch slip. Are you guys using ATF with the newer plates with no problems?
  5. grib

    Pro Gear Oil

    Have just read Gasgasser's "Dragging clutch" post, I don't think I can get PJ1 Clutch tuner locally, does anyone know if it is it worth trying any others?
  6. grib

    Pro Gear Oil

    What types of gear oil are people using in their Gas Gas Pros? I have recently bought a 2003 250 Pro which has 2004 clutch plates in it, I am using Silkolene light gear oil (10w40) and the clutch is dragging. I have bled the clutch but it doesn't seem to have made any difference.
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