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Posts posted by pothole
  1. Ok, as some of you have read, I'm going to set out on the rebuild of the TY80. Looking at it last night it appears the rod has wedged itself between the crank lobes, and there is some serious damage to that entire unit. Based on what I'm seeing, I am assuming I'm going to need the entire crankshaft & rod assembly. Cranks seem to be fairly rare, although I can still get a connecting rod. Anybody have any ideas on a parts source? Obviously I'm looking at Ebay, but I want to get this project going and I'm not seeing anything out there right now. How does a GT80 crank/rod compare to the TY80, are there certain years that are interchangable? Seems to be alot more GT80 parts out there than TY80 parts.

  2. Picked up a TY80 the other day for $50. It's pretty complete and in good shape. Original tires, seat and tank are in great shape. Pipe and guard are in good shape. Wheels are true and tight, etc. The problem is the connecting rod is broken and as many of you know, it's a little expensive to rebuild the lower end. Based on that, I'm starting to have second thoughts on jumping into this one...talk me in or out of taking the plunge on this little bike.

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