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Posts posted by houseape1000
  1. Parts are hard to come by and therefore expensive.

    They are heavy and cumbersome.

    They are well made which is probably why they are heavy.

    Bottom line - don't waste your time, get something newer or at least more popular.

  2. Thanks for the offer of company, I'll probably take you up on that for Swan rd 2 (5th May) if you're attending.

    I ride (try to ride) an 08 raga....red white and black with red rim tape and I drive a red fiat ducato van.

    I may have been one of you helping to push my van off the car park on my previous visit to Alvanley....Cheers; and sorry for covering you all in mud from wheel-spinning.

    TC Andy - can we get our user names as a helmet sticker or number board sticker perhaps.

    It sure would be nice to identify TC members at a glance.

  3. I was no 82 today.

    I expected it to be a little easier today - WRONG...just different.

    I had fun anyway, watching all the twinshock trials irons clean the sections that I could only manage a 3 or 5 on.

    The good news is my Alpine Star No Stop boots got submerged in mud right upto the top and my feet didn't get wet at all.

  4. Trials is like golf.

    You're playing against the course.

    Of course there's the old saying - "is my mate in the bunker or is the b@$t@rd on the green"

    I appreciate how skilled some folk are and could sit and watch them all day with a hint of jealousy but no hard feelings.

    • Like 1
  5. I bought the rubber/metal gasket from Splatshop and it's done the trick.

    It's an aluminium gasket with a thin layer of silicone on each side and it's not much thicker than the paper really.

    Can anyone tell me what size socket fits the clutch bolts - the little tiny 12 point sets around the clutch pack.

    They look to be around 7mm but they're not....



  6. I put a new oem clutch cover gasket on today and it started leaking without even starting it.

    I will have to get one of those thicker ones - can anyone tell me where to get one.

    Should I use gasket sealant or not - I didn't on this occasion but maybe I should.

    Usually I use a thin smear of hermatite when fitting gaskets to keep them in place but like I say, I didn't use anything this time.

    I am currently cutting a gasket out of some oil resistant orange gasket paper that's a little thicker than the standard paper gasket but not sure if I'll end up using it.

    On a different note...

    There is supposed to be 0.5mm washer slides over the kickstart shaft before fitting the clutch cover but there isn't one there.

    This is the first time I've had the cover off and I know it hasn't fell off so it must of been like this for some time.

    I've checked the teeth on the sprocket and everything looks as it should so do I need to order and fit this washer or not ?


    Just had another look...

    There is a spring type square profile washer located in a groove on the kickstart shaft that is in line with the engine case - I placed a straight edge across to verify.

    Would the washer be needed to take up the gap produced by the gasket and if so does that mean I would need to source a washer of equal thickness to the new thicker gasket if I get one ???

  7. I checked out the rear shock today and took a couple of pics...(will try to add later)

    The adjuster screw will pop out as far as the rubber o ring seal but would actually pop straight out if I took the shock off - the linkage is stopping it from falling out.

    No oil leaks out when I pop the screw out to the o ring - does this mean it's empty and needs refilling ?

    Is there a home repair I can perform or will it have to go to the shop for repair.

    Sorry for daft questions but I've just had a rough quote for £110 + parts so I would like some info before spending if possible.

  8. Ok, so the oil is dripping from the side case and not from the breather as first thought - the bottom of the breather pipe is dirty white but I can see clearly now that it's not got oil in it....especially as I plugged a syringe into it and sucked the air out and nothing happened...the air moved freely.

    Someone has put two gaskets on the side case so I presume leaking is quite common - at least for this bike.

    I will order gaskets next week and go from there.


  9. Tape over the sight glass !

    Ha ha ha ha ha......can't believe I never thought of that !

    I assume it works like the radio in a mk 1 ford fiesta - just keep turning the volume up to cover up the noises.....one day though you will run out of volume and then ?

    Bigger Stereo !!!

    • Like 2
  10. I thought it might be a nice idea if we had a poll regarding Gearbox oil as there doesn't seem to be nor will there ever be a definitive answer.

    Maybe if we can collate everyones feedback then you can read through and make an informed decision.

    My vague list of specifics are -

    Model of bike,

    Engine size,

    Year of bike,

    Transmission fluid used,

    Did you change type of oil - What type did you change from and to, are you happy with results,

    How often (hours) changed,

    Clutch feel,

    Usual riding terrain,

    I am aware I havent covered everything so feel free to make suggestions or totally redo.

    I don't know how to set it up so would prefer somebody with experience of such matters to take over. If not I will have a go.

    I will leave it alone for now to get some ideas.

  11. Hi, thanks for replies.

    I didn't do any big hill climbs or long runs or anything, just putted around as usual.

    Well...the water smells like water, the oil smells like oil, and the fuel smells like fuel.

    I will change the oil again though just to be sure, although it is only 3.5 hrs old.

    I will try to get out for an hour midweek if poss and then post my findings.

    Failing that I will ride Sunday and keep an eye on it.

  12. With engine started and idling - normally I can see the gbox oil kind of swirling around gently but staying at roughly the same level.

    When giving it a few revs the oil level starts to rise a bit but usually staying within the sight glass.

    At the moment when giving it a few revs the oil seems to rise and fill the sight glass - as if there's too much in there.

    I hope the description makes sense.

    I thought at first that it must be the water pump seal but as the water is NOT contaminated and has NOT dropped I assume the seal is fine.

    Another thought was blown crank seals thus pressurizing the gearbox - don't know if it's even possible but it was just a thought.

    My REAL question is - should I ride the trial on Sunday as is and keep an eye on it, or should I be stripping the clutch cover off and investigating a bit further.

    It hasn't done this before - to the best of my knowledge.

  13. I'd check the Overflow pipe and Make sure it does not have a hole in it close to the Breather and make sure the Breather is pushed it tight and the tube should also be a nice tight fit on the Breather. Water can get drawn in any little hole in the tube or Breather and they can be hard to spot especially if they on on the inside of the pipe.

    I will check later but the bike didn't get wet at all.

  14. Hi all,

    After a couple of hours riding today, as I was about to put the bike in the van I noticed a small amount of gearbox oil on the bash plate and the gbox overflow had done exactly that - but it looks kinda white where it leaves the box.

    I then noticed that the sight glass was showing as though the gearbox was full with frothy oil....bugger!

    On returning home and unloading the bike I noticed the oil level was back to normal in the sight glass - about 4mm above the bottom and didn't look frothy at all.

    I then checked the water level and that's ok.

    I started the bike and left it running for about a minute and nothing happened - no overflow. ( I know I should have let her get up to temp but I didn't )

    What could have caused the overflow in the first place and should I be worried ?

    It does seem to froth up a little more than usual but that might just be my imagination.

    BTW the oil is now 3.5 hrs old after today.

  15. Hi all,

    Just started to prep the bike for Sunday when.....

    I tried to alter the rebound on the rear (sachs) shock earlier but the adjuster screw turns infinitely in either direction with ease using finger and thumb.

    I assume this can be sorted by a repair shop.

    I was hoping this was just a cap of some sort that you have to remove to get to the real adjuster screw - it isn't ......is it ?

    I am still going to ride on Sunday as i presume the last trial I did was with the shock like this so why not.

    Can anybody recommend somewhere in the north-west that can re-build the shock ?

    What is involved when asking for a rebuild, apart from the bike model and year is there anything else I need to tell the technician such as original specs.....I haven't a clue !



  16. I have been looking at ultrasonic jewellery cleaners on t' internet for around £30.

    I thought it might be handy for cleaning the carb and maybe other stuff too - certainly not jewellery.

    Has anyone found one with a basket big enough....the ones I've seen so far are about 40mm deep and I would imagine this isn't quite big enough.

    Just for reference - I was looking at the JPL7050 - other brands are available.

    Has anyone tried anything similar.

    I would think a 5 minute clean once a fortnight would keep everything totally spotless.

    Just a thought, and for £30 if its not up to the job you could always clean the wifes jewellery !



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