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  1. hi bud on the carb there is a pipe outlet on the right hand side that was originally for the two stroke pipe to attache from the pump, just make sure its either connected or you have to block it up, draws air you see,
  2. rosscoman


    hi all i'v just come across a honda xr200 1981 model i'v only ever seen another one and i owned it 10 years ago it was a twinshocker this is a mono. are ther many about or are they rare? (may part with it)
  3. rosscoman

    Honda Xl125

    i'v put a few honda cg 125 engines in to the old cr125's the only issue is the drive sproket as the pitch is different i.e chain size, you have to use the xl200 front drive sprocket have fun and get welding!
  4. it could be a number of things chap. i would start by changeing the spark plug. although i had a problem same as this a few years ago the bike would allways start when cold but never warm i changed everthing and was ready for giving up when someone told me to check the reed valve to my suprise it was stuck open (had bent some how) so i staightend her up and she run fine. just a thought
  5. Hello all. i'v bein restoreing a little ty80 over the last 4 years on and off and it looks very nice no expence spared. i hope to show it this year. i'v become stuck as the last thing i need, is a kill switch the one thats on the twist throtel can anyone help there must still be somewhere i can find one, (please dont say ebay i'v looked on there for the last 6 months) it has to be the silver one not the black DT type. uk
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