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Everything posted by mintsauce
  1. Spoke to gas gas today, they say it sounds like it is running rich and to try a smaller jet. Failing that to try another cdi unit and carb from another bike to try and isolate the problem, any offers? Will post if I get a result
  2. I have an 04 280 pro that has the following problems: Sometimes difficult to start, if i am lucky on 2nd kick Just off idle speed engine runs erratically (especially when on slow sections), but fine when throttle opens fully. These problems have been like it since new but i am now getting annoyed by them. Carb has been cleaned and all jets checked and blown through with air line. Gone through various settings on tickover/air screw/needle but none appear to change things. New plug fitted. Air filter cleaned etc. Any one else had similiar problems and how did you solve them. Thank you
  3. I have just had the same problem with mine It was the seals in the slave cylinder that had worn slightly allowing air in but not to leak fluid so like you was having trouble diagnosing the problem. (see water pump thread for related advice ) I have been told that using synthetic oil in the gearbox causes problems with the seals, not sure about this but there will be someone on this forum that does
  4. I honestly can't believe the council are in there right minds I can completely agree with the council wanting to get the excessive noise issue resolved but closing it only effects the majority of people who dont have noisey bikes. What sort of people can do this to trials riders, do we have to start resorting to terrorism to start getting the support we need from these people. When you look at all the support they give to groups they consider to be a threat to society and then look at the way they treat generally law abiding hard working people it makes you wonder if it is all worth it . As for ideas get a petition together with as many user groups as possible that benefit from this venue. Get in touch with your MP and the police try to get them on your side, after all they dont want bikes riding illegally do they Try to come to an agreement with the council to allow continued usage and you in your turn will stop all noisey bikes using the land, if thats the problem? More often than not its used as a global excuse for ridding society of the evil breed of people in this world that just happen to like bikes (Its about time all the manufacturers worked together to stop this at source rather than leaving it up to a few thoughtless/selfish induviduals ) I'm starting to rant
  5. What do you mean the right 2 slots! Is there more Will try again tomorrow when my patience level gets back to normal
  6. Hello all I have a 2004 gas gas 280 pro and have taken the water pump off so that i can replace the seals in the clutch. Can someone tell me the best way of alligning the pin in the pump shaft with the slot on the drive gear, i can no longer stand the stress of trying to locate it I have also noticed that when you wiggle the shaft water drips out. Is this normal? I have probably got water in engine now thinking about it I have got to renew the bottom gasket on the barrel any advice on things to be careful about? Thank You
  7. Have i stumbled on to the blue peter site by mistake How much will they sell on eblag for
  8. mintsauce

    Trail Riding

    I have been doing quite a few miles on my 04 280 pro on trails and tarmac. Are there any problems i should watch out for apart from the normal routine maintenance? Does it have any detrimental effect on the piston rings as i am not sure how often these need to be replaced.
  9. i have and still have the same problem with my 04 280 At one point the pickup was actually rubbing the flywheel and it stil wasn't happy starting. I have since been told that it may be the idle jet (need a slightly larger one) but i haven't got round to changing it yet Failing that it may be the cdi, spark plug or the lack of effort when using the kick start
  10. i had a similar problem on my 04 280 It was cured by spening a long time tapping the hydraulic line from the engine up to the master cylinder whilst slowly pumping the lever until all the bubbles stopped.
  11. i would have thought that all risk assesments are the same for all trial events they just need to be modified to suit any different venues (site specific). I think damage limitation is the big thing nowadays, whenever you go to a motorsport event it will always say it is dangerous you spectate/participate at your own risk. Surely the ACU have someone to do the risk assesment for you, dont they?
  12. probably deliberately so just in case things did go wrong. they can then say you misinterpreted what was written, so the blame falls onto someone else. Or am i just being cynical Always cover your a***.
  13. Always keep your bike clean in the right places, not just because she will look pretty. I would rather spend 10 minutes on the chain and sprockets than wiping the mud of the plastics. A clean bike is always worth that little bit extra and you get more respect from the majority of the other riders. I hope your mates arent as slack about there own cleanliness
  14. I would assume its because when the casing is hot the expansion causes the bit that was rubbing to move away from the flywheel. (the "bit" is a technical term ) Glad its sorted i thought it was aomething serious.
  15. mintsauce

    Engine Noise

    I have a 04 280 pro and when the engine is cold there is a whining noise coming from the engine. Could this be a problem with the piston rings as it goes away when the engine is warm.
  16. From what i have heard most pro's are the same ! (mine definitely is) When you kick it up open the throttle up a little (you will get to find the right amount with practice) and it will normally start staight away. Be very careful with the kick start lever it will break if you abuse it, also heard of the casing cracking because of the leverage when the lever hits the footpeg.
  17. im not particularly concerned about riders finding out about where to ride! im becoming extremely worried about the authorities shutting down any where that people go to enjoy themselves.
  18. mintsauce

    Help :s

    I think they are about
  19. I think we all ought to be a little careful about who we tell where we ride! Ive got a funny feeling that certain groups are using these web sites to find out who is riding what and where! Ive got nothing against motocross/enduro but why are the minority of people who ride them absolute idiots, without any respect and thought for others?
  20. mintsauce


    Thanks for all your replies Been in touch with gasgas they say the same,"as long as the clutch is not slipping it shouldnt cause any problems" Hopefully we will not have any more temper tantrums & my bike stays safe for a little while longer
  21. not quite sure what the plates are made of but will soon find out.
  22. i have a 2004 280 pro and everytime i change the oil there appears to be a lot of metal on the magnet on the drain bolt, is this normal? oil is changed every 8 hours of riding or after its had a tough workout!
  23. mintsauce


    i dont think his strength is a problem he can hop and throw his pushbike about like bruce lee used his nunchuks the clutch was very, very stiff. still think its the springs but will have to get an expert opinion mick
  24. mintsauce


    I moved lever but clutch still felt very stiff so i decided to have a look at the clutch & springs. Then springs felt very difficult to compress so i left 3 of them out & it now feels superb and its not slipping! Im beggining to think someone has changed the springs for some reason bit cant think why. Will this cause a problem long term until i can find the correct replacements? regards mick
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