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Everything posted by jeeves88
  1. There really good! theres even one of me! Thanks
  2. jeeves88

    Gg 270 Txt 99

    Hay just if anyones about could be helpful; how much oil goes in gear box? i cant remember for the life of me! the other thing that was puzzling me other day, after riding about 40 minutes maybe, it started making a funny noise. like when reved up and then back offed or like going down hill made like a funny noise, sort of scraping but not? i know not helpful but if it was a common problem it might ring bells. the other thing it ran badly, like it didnt want to pick up from low revs like it wanted to, and just never pulled like it would normally (trying to pull me arms of). Any Ideas much appreciated thanks
  3. Hay people, So i got me a place on the Dougie Lampkin Training days in August, was wandering what to expect really? and a list of stuff to take? obviously tools, puncture stuff petrol, you know the normal oh and food! lots of food! but anything else people have thought after that would of been handy? Cheers in advance
  4. jeeves88

    Xispa On Ebay.

    by the looks of things, its the works bike loaned out by the Xispa dealer, as it looks identical to the one tested as the ebay add shows, and its the same number! and its the same car propped against in both photos!
  5. Hay, yeh ive been thinking this, but which ones are the loose ones? its hard to know which are which, and then choose the shop to go have a look!
  6. Hay does anyone have any opinion on trials trousers?
  7. Hay, i have a Gas Gas 270, and its a brilliant bike any amount of power, really a bit too much for some occasions, but was thinking of a 125 for lightness and just a mess about bike and for smaller trials where the power isnt needed, but the question really was is it actually gonna be useful, im like 13 stone or something, i just figured they wouldnt have the poke sometimes for hill climbs? Cheers Chris
  8. Hi people, im from UK and hopefully coming over to New Zealand for some tractor driving and things, hows the weather? Is trialing over there big? Cheers Chris
  9. Hay, im sort of new to trials, had bike like 2 years and done a few trials, but just sort of got some of the basics, but im self taught and just need someone to show and help me get a bit futher, does anyone know of any sort of thing going on? Sort of Country North Yorkshire but round and about a bit! Cheers Chris
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