noticed gear oil seems to be vanishing and today going up hills bike was like it had choke on slightly,,could it be the crank seal,and I think I can change it without splitting hopefully,thanks all,,rev 3 2004
hi all,can anyone give the best advice on how to get the needle bearing out of the crankcase where the gear change drum sits into,thanks
hi all,what is the standard/stock sprocket size for a 04 rev 3,,i have a 11t on front cant remember rear as too dark to look at mo,1st gear is too low and second bit high I tend to feather the clutch,was going to put it back to original and see what its like,thanks,,,,just checked its 41t on rear
hi there,if you transport it with the fuel on ,you will flood it like i used too and it will take forever to start-only my input tho
any more info please as could ,do with starting this weekend,thanks
hi all,was wondering if there are any hicups in splitting a 315 engine to replace mains,have done a beta rev 3 with no probs as everything internal stays on the left hand casing ,does the 315 split the same ,also i am looking for an exploded view of the engine its a 98 -315 cota honda engine,also parts list with the bearing numbers ,thanks
was the mains ,fitted new ones ,now no play at all ,slight top end rattle now tho-but a great tight engine ,had trouble with clutch but got a syringe from cake shop and back bled in 1 minuete
if i tilt the bike over to the left it rumbles but no noise when leant to the right
sounds like your carb may still have a bit of crap in and being starved of fuel ..... just my pennies worth tho
hi its 2-3 mm normal mms as on a tape measure ,cheers
hi,by visual it looks 2/3mm max its on its side as ive took clutch casing off,the crank is moving as well,thanks it gives a clunk when moving it fast
ive took clutch cover off abd the bolt on the primary gear is tight
hi all ,took me fly wheel cover off me rev 3 to see if there was up and down movement off the fly wheel as there is exessive vibration and thought maybe mains had gone ,but i have a lot of in out movement is this normal and could it have something to do with the odd knock i thought was detonation-thanks
i normally put just under 500ml in then you get 2 changes to a tub of oil
my tap is off when tap is towards right leg on when straight up and reserve when over to kickstart
upgraded me 99 techno to a 2004 rev 3 WOW - WHAT A BIKE i thought me techno was good ,this rev 3 is awesome ,instant power ,superb handling i cannot fault it -no problems i need help with of yet ,just wanted to let any potential buyers to a beta rev GO FOR IT
the chap i got the bike off had a new stator fitted 2 months ago would that make timing out- i was used to my techno this rev 3 has loads of power a little more than i,m used too
hi all just treated meself to a 04 rev 3 ,while riding today i noticed a knock every now and then when i blip the throttle not all the time but noticeable any ideas thanks
hi its a beta techno 125 engine ,i sold a complete bike to steve goode motorcycles last year with same engine ,he may still have it breaking for spares
all the best mick
thems the ones but i could do with the bearing number so i can get them from a bearing shop[ in town cheaper cheers
hi any one know the bearing number for the headstock bearings on a ty 80 just dismantled ours and balls everywhere wondering if i can get them in a complete race cheers
just got another ty 80 for my lad as i got one last week and it was a bag of s*** no power etc took barrel off and it had been bored to the max +2mm so i put it in the shed then friday i dropped on another got this home and it rattles like crap its been bored out to +1.00mm there is no wear in big ends or little ends and piston and barrel seem good, have recipts with it where its had £330 spent on the engine new conrod kit ends and rebore etc at trail and trial, the rattle is the same when hot or cold sounds like the piston is tapping on the spark plug but it isnt if you grip the barrel and head itdoes go away any ideas as its driving me daft,
cheers mick
hi all any one know where i can get hold of a ty 80 barrel been told mines to thin to rebore cheers