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Everything posted by skippy1234
  1. skippy1234

    TY80 help

    hi steve the ao was meant to be so ,hit the wrong key
  2. skippy1234

    TY80 help

    hi ive just rang yamaha customer services on 01932 358000 and mine is 1975 so yours should be the same all the best mick
  3. skippy1234

    TY80 help

    if you find out how to date the ty80 i would like to know mine starts with 451-110*** so it cant be far off your date
  4. skippy1234

    scorpa easy

    hi brought my lad an 98 easy where do you drain oil /oil level/fill up oil gearbox that is thanks
  5. i run my 99 techno at 80ml oil to 5 litres petrol my techno is awesome point it at anything and it will do it just depends on the day how big me nuts are on the day as to what i will do but the bike will not fail great bikes technos are mate
  6. mine smoked i repacked exhaust and it was fine no smoke and more power
  7. cheers it has gone if any one has 1 going cheap please please sell it me thanks
  8. skippy1234

    99 Techno Fan

    i have took the fan off my 99 techno as it aint working how do i test it now?do i wire a 12v battery to it wich wires to what do i just nik the 2 wires that come from the fan motor and put pos to 1 and neg to the other thanks
  9. tell me then dan theres also a squeeling now think its near the clutch /water pump area
  10. ran my 99 techno in a trial saturday verry hot and half way through there is a wuring from the clutch when you have the lever out i used atf for the trial for the first time could this have done anything regards mick
  11. skippy1234

    Techno 125

    cheers neville that looks the same 1 side with the water pump etc but cant quite see other side as that looks like it has cable clutch where this 1 his hydraukic
  12. skippy1234

    Techno 125

    hi where can i find an exploded view of a 97 techno 125 to see if it has the right engine in i have a99 techno 250 and the engine is completely different cheers or can some 1 describe the engine a little cheers
  13. hi all just brought what i believe is a 97 techno 125for my lad but the engine looks nothing like my 99 techno 250 ie clutch hose enters clutch side water pump is on opposite side could it have the wrong engine cheers
  14. DAN Victory i took it apart again put another bb ie an extra 1in but that never worked it pushed too much and touched the casing striped it down again and and you know you have the push rod thingy i pulled that out again and for some reason there were two washers instead of 1 ie 1 ontop of the bearing race and 1 behind i took the 1 out from behind after looking at the exploded view diagram took back to the garage bled it back up and it is like new many thanks dan regards mick ill just have to remember to take it off ebay now as id had enough yesterday and put it on
  15. done that dan the presure plate/clutch pack moves out maybe 1 cm when i actuate clutch lever and it starts to move as soon as i touch lever
  16. hiya all again,i took my techno to the local bike shop and got them to bleed it cos i just couldnt do it.now its back its dragging real bad when the lever is right in its pulling if you let the lever out a couple of mm it is lethal biting instant right at the bars a month ago i did the clutch fix and it was perfect started in gear it was great ive just rebuilt engine main bearings etc so i disconected clutch hose to get engine out plates and all dismantled how come now it wont work? the plates couldnt have gone i dont think as they were ok before i put the steel rod back in and the ball bearing also the washer between the inner and outer basket any ideas what ive done wrong thanks
  17. fluid in ball bearing is in i put a steel rod then a bb before irefitted clutch basket
  18. yep piston returns fully and i dont think its blocked as when i pump the lever it squirts a little out of the bleed nipple
  19. cant bleed me @@@@@@ clutch tried the normal way tried back bleeding cant seem to push the fluid backwards am i doing it right 99 techno if you read my posts ive renewed mains crank seals all as a novice put it back together sweet as anything even invented my own fly wheel holding tool but i cant bleed this bleeding clutch please help
  20. SEE PICTURES SHOULD I PATENT IT LOL second picture shows it working http://i993.photobucket.com/albums/af54/mi...un/P4260452.jpg and http://i993.photobucket.com/albums/af54/mi...un/P4260451.jpg might flog em on ebay ha ha
  21. skippy1234

    Rear Brake

    im having the same prob with my clutch getting close to getting the hammer out
  22. skippy1234

    Techno Clutch

    hiya all what is the best way to bleed the clutch on a techno ? can it be done with a syringe? cheers mick
  23. it will be a 250 you must of seen 349 on the barrel i thought this when i first got my 99 techno
  24. just put engine in bike techno 99 after fitting new mains bike started first go sounded sweet then came to start it half hour later and the kick start nearly broke my ankle found the woodruff key sheared the fly wheel was still firm on the crank as i had to use a puller to get it off not too tight though where to get a new one from and was it caused by not tightening fly wheel sufficient or what else have i done wrong ie timing or anything i fitted stator as it was b4 regards mick also best way to bleed the clutch wich i had to disconect to remove engine cheers
  25. i got my bearings from SIMPLY BEARINGS great service and cheap skf etc all good makes
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