just changed mains and crank seals and noticed there is a bit of a clunk when you spin the sprocket cog anything i can do b4 i put the rest of the engine together cheers mick i think its called the output shaft if you rotate it eitherway fast it gives a clunk it did it when i rode the bike complete a touch of throttle and it was like the chain slapping at least thats what i thought untill i split the engine
just split my techno engine and in process of replacing main bearings ive ordered gasket set ,now when i put the centre gasket on do i use gasket glue or just the gasket on its own cheers mick
ive just noticed some oil coming out of an engine breather pipe on my 99 techno any idea whats wrong.i drowned the bike by accident last week ive cleaned carb new filter plug repacked exhaust and oil change 500ml its also smokin a bit more than usual and now it starts without choke on
ive just took rear box off and pulled the packing out it was tight and oiled up bad but when i squoze the packing there was a fair amount of water in with it is that normal i dont think the head gasket has gone as the oil is fine not milky any ideas cheers
just noticed my 99 techno is smoking a fair bit and has oily bits spitting from exhaust started running at 80/1 is that about right if so is there anything wrong cheers
hiya all just done the clutch fix of dans works great now .Now i need to sort my fan out it seems it only works if you give it a little flick to get it going i havent kept running the bike without doing this incase it doesnt come on so when i start the bike after a couple of mins i flick the fan and it starts any ideas cheers Mick
hey cheers stork mine is a 99 also thanks also drained gear oil today and it was a grey milky colour i think every time i do something to the bike i get a headache
hi all i have purchased what i believe is a 250 techno dougie lampkin replica but ive just noticed it has 352 on the barrel? it wouldnt be a 350 would it, is there a 350 cheers mick
hi all just purchased a beta techno 250 1999 lampkin replica after being used to a yam ty twin shock wow what a difference in power i seem to have the same clutch problem as lots of others i would like to know the correct fuel mix gear oil where to top up rad and any other major things i should know all help truly welcome many thanks mick
hi my yam 250 has totally miss matching frame and engine numbers the frame starts 493 301 9** and the engine number is 434 101 06* would this have been the right engine? if not i need the date of the frame and the date of the engine incase the parts are different i trhink ive got the frame as a 78/79 but thats as far as ive got cheers mick
ayup all ive jusst had a go at replacing new fork seals on a ty 250 mono any idea on what and how much fork oil to refil and replace and i have a ty 250 e ttwinshock to sort out as the forks are sticking down on so any ideas on how to sort this out cheers mick
hi all got my 78 ty 250 twinshock running really sweet, now ive come to replacing the tyres and ive seen the rear sprocket is a 52 teeth and ive looked at new ones and they seem to be 10 teeth less it pulls up hills great as it is should i change or leave alone will it naker anything?cheers mick
hi it was the exhaust while i was kicking it over the plug i took out was a b7hs a lot shorter than the one everyone has said so ive took the head off and the plug i have in is way too short cheers