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Everything posted by mrkartoom
  1. trialstrainingcenter.com has some good vids and instructions posted up on their site for teaching beginners. They are also free to read and watch.
  2. Right. I'll see how this goes for a bit. I have a new tire for it on the shelf, so that is a good option when I throw the new one one. Thanks again for the help!
  3. Never get tired of watching this guy. He is just an unbelievable rider.
  4. The JB Weld seems to be holding tire pressure just fine. This should get me by until I can get a new wheel.
  5. That makes sense. There is a national trials event next weekend close to where I live, so that may be a good opportunity to ask around about a used wheel. So far I'm not finding much over here.In the meantime, I took a dremel tool and cleaned out a little cavity along the length of the crack and filled it with a liquid metal product similar to the stuff you mentioned. We'll give it 24 hours and see if it holds pressure. If it gets me by until I can get a proper replacement I'll be happy.
  6. It's a 2003. From the shape of the front wheel I'd say it took a fair amount of beating before I got it. I've had it about 3-4 seasons now and it's seen little use and no abuse.Sorry I'm not sure what you mean by "source a spare wheel from breakers". Can you clarify? I have a dealer getting me prices on a rim and spoke set. He agrees it is best to scrap it. The hub does look to be fine though. Thanks
  7. Yes it is.When I got the bike the front rim had about 12 of those little cracks at the outside edge of the rim like this, but many a good bit bigger than this one. This appears to be the only one like this on the rear.
  8. Anyone seen a rim cracked like this? Looks like fatigue to me, but I'm no expert. You guys offer up any suggestions on how to deal with it? I'm not sure if it's worth fixing or getting a new rim. A new wheel would look nice, but not sure I want to put that much money into this thing at this age. Thanks for any ideas.
  9. Way too young. Very shocking news. Thoughts go out to his friends and family.
  10. I've got a set of these and they are extremely comfortable. I can walk around in them all day. They are pricey, but worth it.
  11. Chewing the paint off to make that monty lighter is a brilliant idea! At least that's what our brilliant legislators thought our kids were going to do . . . . chew the lead-containing paint off the frames of their KTM 50's. They passed a well-intended anti-lead law that addressed toys made overseas, but to our amazement also included all dirt bikes marketed to young children. Shut down sales for months. It's not been solved yet either. I know when my kid's not riding he's in the garage eating his bike. End of rant . . . back to motor weights. :
  12. Looks just like the case on my '03 when I purchased it a couple seasons ago. I was told to look for this problem and lucky I did, as the case was paper-thin behind the impeller from the cavitation. I was using a dental pic to test the solidity of the case and poked right through. The cover o-ring land was wasted like yours as well, so I replaced the case. Did you find all the info here about this problem yet? Lots to consider about the bike sitting over winter, what type of coolant you use, adding water, etc. Read this, too. I switched to the Silkolene Pro-Cool.
  13. Some kid posted for help on a KTM or Husky forum I don't remember, but his spelling and grammar mistakes were far worse than this guy's. One would of thought he was either messing with the forum or just downright uneducated. My 8 year old daughter was way more literate than this person. Anyway some guys were really ragging on him bad, but I actually tried to give him some advice after thinking he was legitimately in need. I finished up by advising him to use a spell-checker. It was kinda funny the way I did it, but some jerk took offense to that and reported me with a bad post. . . . probably his dad . . . who couldn't fix his bike.
  14. That could be the Olde English spelling of the word.
  15. Amen brother! I've been trying to heal a gash on my right ankle for 9 weeks now after starting my beta up for a friend to ride. I had sneakers on and my foot slipped off the lever and the footpeg took a hunk off my ankle. A note on the bike running backwards thing. I had an Ossa Pioneer as a kid that did that once. Bent the conn rod.
  16. splleing is ovreated anwyay becuase teh huamn brian can figrue out waht yuo are triyng to say as long as teh fisrt and last letetrs are in teh rihgt plcae..
  17. Would that be the SM Retro pants you are referring to? Didn't see my size available and wondering if they are discontinued.Thanks
  18. mrkartoom

    Rev 3 Coolant

    I have been using the Silkolene Pro Cool since having to replace my side case from the cavitation and so good so far. It was one of the coolants that was recommended to not harm the magnesium, but I was not aware that adding water to it would cause damage. I haven't done that, but very good to know.
  19. I've been looking at the Jitsie as well. The Wulfsport is a bit less expensive, but from what I've read so far I'm down to either it or the Jitsie. I've got lots of mx gear and I find it all a bit too heavy. Even the vented Moose Sahara stuff I use for the summer feels too bulky.
  20. Good to hear. Maybe you can help me with fitment. I wear a size 36 waist, which looks to translate to their XL according to one UK site. If I don
  21. Like many others I'm looking for a trials pant that is not too tight and I've read here that these are somewhat roomy. I've also read the same about Jitsie, but also that they are a bit warm when the temps are up. There is not much info here on the Wulfsport line other than the helmets. Anyone own a pair of their pants that can offer any comments on the fit, quality, etc.? Thanks
  22. Just get you some of the Mossy Oak sticker sheets for the frame and it will totally disappear. Me likes it.
  23. Congrats to the team for its best result ever! And sorry to hear about the problem for Louise.
  24. mrkartoom

    Fried Piston!

    I haven't seen my Beta spec, but every 125/250 head I've owned has been around 22-25nm, assuming M8 bolt grade 8.8 or stronger. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
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