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Everything posted by tonybroad
  1. if you have or know someone with a compression tester try checking your compression, my 02 290 still takes a fair boot to kick it over and if it ever kicks back i know about it, thing is i don't know what compression pressure you should be getting - 90-100 psi at a guess Tony
  2. adding restrictions and regulations to any motorsport simply stifles development, F1 can't develop cos it's not allowed to now, they are even told how much they can test or use wind tunnels i reckon in trials it's rarely the bike that wins and no one manufacturer dominates trials, tony bou would stand a chance of winning on any bike new ossa - fuel injected efficient 2 stroke, reverse cylinder, lots of new stuff leave as is i say Tony
  3. how long had the plug been in the bike before that happened and have you run 110 octane and the bel ray before can you get a better picture, plugs can whisker up for a variety of reasons from over-fuelling which is usually easy to rectify to metallic pick up which can be more serious - is the whisker just carbon or are there metallic particles in it, might have a better idea good luck Tony
  4. Fairly old myself living in Lancashire and loving my return to trials get yourself over to Cowm Quarry, Rochdale, (Cowm Leisure) not too far away,
  5. one advertised on ebay - not sure if it's the right one http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/New-Con-Rod-Kit-SUZU...=item3359940eba good luck Tony
  6. it doesn't take much of a grain of grit or blade of grass to stop the float needle sealing one thing to check is wether the float is punctured, there will be some fuel sloshing inside them if they are a way to check the float needle is working is blow down fuel pipe and slowly tip carb upside down (assuming you've drained all fuel out) you should not be able to blow through when it is upside down my money's on a piece of grit or blade of grass on the float seat let us know Tony
  7. you'll not get a definitive answer, ask 10 riders you'll get 10 different opinions as a 40+ returner to trials myself with a
  8. snap - i've been away from trials for 30 years and am wondering why i ever left it tony
  9. i have a few cylinder heads like that from race engines, almost certainly piston ring debris, sometimes the ring can clip the exhaust port lip or the locating pin comes out of the piston and the ring turns and the end of the ring clips the port i can also be main bearing cage debris or if there's a shim on the big end that can disintegrate too, even the big end - if theres nothing on the piston crown itself then it's a previous failure, the piston has been replaced and the head is unlikely to cause major problems other than a bit of carbon build up check theres no damage to the top edge of the barrel ports, check that there is a good chamfer on your exhaust port and transfer ports, especially if it's been rebored at any stage, the ring can snag the roof of the port, some 450 grit wet-n-dry wrapped around a small wooden dowel will give a good chamfer you could take off any high spots on the head with emery cloth then wet-n-dry but clean all grit out before re-fitting good luck tony
  10. when you look at the cost of moto x plastics to trials we're being ripped off, think i'd better stop falling off tony
  11. Spain loves trials and we love Spain because of it are there places in spain to holiday and go trials riding ? tony
  12. having returned to trials after many years, there are some venues still going strong i.e. Cowm Quarry but one i used to love was Lickhurst Farm in Chipping, stream sections to die for Tony
  13. your teacher tought you well, your english is 100% better than my Belgian
  14. i don't think i could do any of the indoor sections at sheffield - i could do the silly race every time, drop the races, trials is pretty straightforward, the person who puts their foot down the least wins, man and machine in harmony, it doesnt matter what order you do the sections in as long as everyone tries the same sections just my opinion tony
  15. an ex-pom ? you're always a pom, lived there many years ago, plenty of wide open spaces, too many mozzies though is there a good trials scene in aus ?
  16. at least check there is some gap before fitting, don't assume anything tony
  17. there will always be those who 'push' the rules - some pre-65's are a joke with custom lightweight frames, japanese pistons and cranks and heavily modified porting to suit, they are as far removed from the orginal bike as could be but there will always be people like this in any sport, that's when rules need to become tighter, to discourage misrepresentation of the rules i own a beamish suzuki twinshock and a modern sherco and love em both because i like to see how the technology has changed but the suzuki can still do the business just my opinion tony
  18. there are cleaner 2 strokes being developed which match and better 4 strokes now, they are certainly not dead, they have fuel injection and sealed cranks so the amount of oil burned is marginal new ossa is fuel injected that said the montesas were impressive in sheffield last night tony
  19. The best rider won the event but nearly went out because of the daft race, fuji went out because of it, also, being the first time i've seen time being a measure was good and added excitement and that should be the measure of who goes out - points first, then if scores are equal, fastest time it was still a great event Tony (not Bou)
  20. my first visit to /sheffield having recently returned to trials - what a truly awe inspiring event, we were not disappointed - but lose the stupid race over the barrels, i could do that, i couldn't do any of the sections, made it a bit of a lottery and Fujigas lost out in my opinion can't wait 'till next year tony
  21. tonybroad

    Sherco Blue

    does anyone have a colour code/spec for the sherco dark blue thanks in advance tony
  22. one cause could be head gasket - if it's blowing and blowing into the water chamber it over-pressurises your cooling system and so spits water out, as soon as enough water has gone to stop proper circulation it overheats/fan kicks in put your overflow hose (or fit one) and immerse into a clear bottle with some water in it (a coke bottle is fine) - it will emit regular bubbles from the tube if your head is blowing into the cooling system but get engine warm worth a try tony
  23. almost certain to be on the carburation side - check the obvious first - is it fresh fuel, clean the air filter, check fuel delivery from the tap and through the fuel line, is there a filter in the tap ? check your choke isn't sticking then check your jets are clear especially the idle jet which is mostly used on low revs and check your float bowl level fingers crossed Tony
  24. i trialled competitvley with a TY175 then a Beamish Suzuki 250 back in the 70's and the Suzuki made me realise what was lacking in the 175, but when the Fantics first came along they showed the way, i recently got another Beamish 250 and it still doesn't dissapoint though but there are certainly more TY's and TY parts around i wonder if the TY175 might be a little under powered, what about a TY250 majesty ? happy hunting Tony
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