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Everything posted by roel
  1. I've got a 2001 Montesa 315r and the rear brake seals are leaking. I can't seem to find a rebuild kit, and new callipers are around $170.00 bucks. Am I stuck buying a new calliper?
  2. roel

    Bleeding Brakes

    Thanks, I'm new to all this! I'll search the archive...........
  3. roel

    Bleeding Brakes

    can anyone tell me the best way to bleed the rear breaks of a 315r.?
  4. roel

    Bashed Pipe?

    Thanks for the info. sounds like a new pipe would be the quickest way to fix it. One more question Since I just bought this bike, and havent riden it without the dent. How much power is lost by this dent. thanks
  5. roel

    Bashed Pipe?

    Can anyone tell me how to fix a dented exhaust pipe that is about 2 inches in diameter and pushed in about 50 % of the pipe? thanks
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