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Here it is from 2008, http://www.trialscentral.com/forums/topic/20843-suspension-set-up/page__hl__%2Bsuspension+%2Bsetup with a link to a very good article. The basics are still exactly the same.
Taff D is right, the big red nut adjusts the preload on the fork spring, hence the amount of sag. The small screw slot adjusts the rate of rebound. The other fork has an adjustment for the rate of compression. I remember a good description of suspension setup on this forum a few years ago. I'll search.
Deon, I took delivery of a new 2012 Ossa last Friday. Before starting for the first time we (my sons and I) stripped it and re-greased the wheel bearings, swingarm, linkage bushes and headset bearings. We checked all the fixing torque settings, bled the hydraulics and adjusted clutch and brakes. We changed the gear oil, and flushed the cooling system. This is something we always do with a new bike for our own peace of mind. With respect to this thread - we found coolant similar to what you described - a clearish liquid with a suspension of greyish matter (it looks like dilute anti-seize paste???) and some alloy flakes. Remember that we had not started the bike at this stage, so it is unused factory fluid. I have seen a similar thing with two other brands. Could it be something to do with the radiator manufacture???. Anyway, we simply flush it out and replace with some trusted green fluid mixed to manufacturers specs. We have never had any more alloy flakes appear, nor had any cooling system problems.
Hi Jeremy and every one else. Hey this technical forum is good - I've never made it down the page past the twinshocks. Jeremy I came looking for your post on the clutch removal and found this one too. Here is my two cents. Beta Rev50 for my seven year old has the stock clutch perch, lever and no mods to the clutch itself. Yet the clutch is as light and accesible as any seven year old could need. How? First I moved the perch all the way down the bars to near the bend. This put the end of the lever just in front of his pointer and index fingers, but too far out. (This also has the advantage that when he lays the bike over the bars usually hit the ground first.) Then I made an insert or wedge that fits between the clutch and perch to bring the lever in towards the bars so he could reach it. See the picture. I used urethane because thats is what I do, but you could use just about anything that has a little flex. The wedge has a split to fit it over the cable, a hole at the end of the split for the cable to run through, and is held in place by a cable tie through another hole. Honestly this took less than 2 minutes to make and setup. I trimmed the wedge until we got the lever spaced just right. Then a litle adjustment of the cable adjustors to get the break/engage point right. Because we used the stock lever, last year when he had a big crash at an event he bought another lever from the dealers tent by himself (please put this on Dad's account), and fitted it with his brothers help. All they had to do was unscrew one bolt. All the adjustments stayed the same for him and he finished the event before I knew what had happened. Too easy
Hi J There are a few mods you can do to stop the silencer oiling so much. Here's what we did with our 2005 Go hotter in the spark plug. We used a NGK B8ES mostly but sometimes went with a 7 in cooler weather. Open up the airbox lid so it breathes a bit better - pic below. Leaned the needle position. Clip was in position two from the top. Play with the mixture screw once you've changed the needle and opened the airbox lid. I ran the idle a little higher to help stop stalls. I don't want to start a fuel oil debate, but as soon as I stopped using Motul 800 oil (first in Shell optimax and then in BP Ultimate 98) I found less jetting hassles and much less oiling issues. We now use BP Ultimate with BelRay H1R at about 80:1 (62ml per 5 litres) The 50 ran cleanly and with a near perfect plug with the above settings (slightly sooty on one side sometimes) and I had to replace the silencer packing much less after that. Even so, every so often I gave it to the older boy who gave it two or three laps around the MX track at higher revs. Oh I ended up squeezing on a second o-ring to seal the silencer to the pipe, sometimes with a smear of that blue silicon. Got our 2006 model Rev 50 yesterday. It seems to idle much more smoothly and is much more responsive at low revs. I did the aibox mod but everything else is stock. We are running-in at 70:1 with the above fuel/oil. It runs very smokey. Hope this helps
Hi Ben, WARNING - BLATANT ADVERTISEMENT FOLLOWING If you can't find a NOS or even a good used one to replace yours then I can reproduce one for you. If it is a simle rubber tube then it is relatively easy and cheap. If it has a metal plate bonded in then it gets a lot more expensive, but I can still do it. I would need you to send me the part you have so I can restore it and take a mould from it. My webpage is undergoing a change of provider at the moment so there is not much point looking there, but here are some pics of pieces I have done. Cheers Rob 4.RoBs (Robs Replica and Reproduction Rubber for Old Bikes)
Thanks guys - this is a wonderful place. I thought about dimensions but then thought that it was a fairly unique piece and someone would know what it was. Hey Roy, if I manage to replicate it, remind me that I owe you one. Thanks. Does anyone know if they can be had NOS anywhere?
Does anyone recognise this airboot? My guess is that it is the same or similar to one from a Montesa twinshock. A customer asked me if I could replicate it. But it is split around the folds and will be very fidly (= expensive) to remake. I suspect that there would be a bettter one around if we can work out what it is. Someone might have even already have replica made. Thanks for you help
Whilst we are talking about weird one-offs, this one appreared on the ozVMX forum a few weeks ago. Details at - http://www.ozvmx.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=465
I use a silver engine enamel on the boys bikes. I just spray the high wear areas after every couple of rides. A sheet of card as a mask stops everything else ending up silver. I don't think powder coating will stop the problem, just slow it down. I have worn through the coating on my old KTM which I restored three years ago. It looks terrible if I spray over it, and to fix it and all the stone chips, I have to get the whole frame sandblasted and redone. So next time I am going to use engine enamel on it too.
Dab Dab, were you going to say something??
No. Thanks Martin. Where is it from and can you email me a hi-res copy? It has 1978 colours and stickers. Looks like he has been mucking with the magneto cover??? Keep 'em coming guys. Thanks
pierced right through the heart
Thank you Martin, let me know. Obviously I would like to rebuild it true to type - so if anyone else out there has a 350 frame or basket case????????