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Guys, many thanks! I'll measure the play as you suggest Stork... Ref the Dykes ring, is it a choosable alternative fitting for that engine, or does it HAVE to be the Dykes ring? If it's either/or, what difference does it make? Thanks again, Steve
Also, the con-rod has a slight amount of play side to side on the big end bearing. There is no discernible twisting play, just side to side. Is this ok? Ta
I have a fantic 156cc engine (with a 125cc bottom end) in an 80cc frame.... It needs a new piston ring - I've heard the term 'Dykes' Piston Ring and wondered what this is? Also, is there an obvious way to tell whether the piston is std or oversize? I've also heard of a suzuki piston being fitted - what is the difference and benefit compared to a Fantic piston please? All help gratefully received - cheers. Steve
Ref the 348 electronic ignition, what real difference does it make to the bike please? Ta Steve
Haven't sussed out how to add pictures/files. If you email me at stevecarter1000@hotmail.com I'll send some scans I have of the 200 gearbox. Cheers, Steve
Thanks Ron, useful info, and bilc0, yep sure, although it's in bits at the moment. I'll get the frame photographed for you and post it on here. Since posting this I've also had the head and block off it and they looks like it's a 156cc. So potentially a 160 in a 80 frame!! The piston is pretty carbonised but it appears to have a capital 'B' stamped on it. Mean anything? I need a new ring for it. Cheers, Steve
Bit of a novice and could do with a bit of help - I posted yesterday ref my Fantic frame but now i've found something else - The engine bottom end has a plate that says it's a FM 250 125cc. Took the head off and noticed that the piston looked bigger than the 55mm or so that it should be. Measured it and it's 62mm which gives a capacity of 156cc. Knowing that Fantic made a 156cc I did a bit of looking round and it appears that many 125 & 156 bits are the same so I presume that this started out life as a 125 and someone's put a 156 block and piston on it. Question - The carb is a Delorto 24mm. Is that right for the 156 or is it the old 125 carb (or are they the same anyway?)? I also have a 26mm Delorto. Will this be any better? There's 3 cylinder head gaskets in there too. Is this right or is it someones attempts to alter the compression ratio??? Advice on jetting for whichever carb would be appreciated too. Ta, Steve
Some years ago I bought what I was told was a Fantic 200 with a 125cc engine. I've stripped it for a general tidy-up and found that the frame has been repaired by the headstock and had some webs (badly) welded in. The welding has (I think) obscured some of the frame number but it clearly says: FANTIC 430 DGM OM (The 'OM' bit is quite a bit to the right of the 'DGM' - it's actually past the 430 bit but for some reason it doesn't matter how many times I press the space bar when I compose this post, the actual posted version takes them all out and puts the 'OM' right next to the 'DGM'). Whether there's further numbers under the welded section - dunno. Also - the down tube comes out of the headstock parallel with the main frame spine but then angles down to the sump guard. In the 'square' that is formed by the top spine, the headstock and the downtube there are factory welded (I presume) strengthening webs. All the other 200 frames that I've seen don't feature this - the down tube comes out of the headstock at an immediate angle and there is a cylindrical bar welded between the downtube and main spine tube. Anyway - looking up Fantic 430 on the internet seems to suggest that it's an 80cc bike (FM430?). Question - Is the '430' stamped on the frame the frame serial number and just a co-incidence that it says 430, or is it a frame from a 430 bike? If it's the 'wrong' frame I presume that it was an 80cc and at some point and it's had the 125cc engine put into it. Question - Will getting a 200 frame make a huge difference or is there little to choose from them? Any thoughts/comments aprreciated. Cheers, Steve