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  1. I'm 80 now got cancer. Been treated for the last 3 1/2 years I still ride if I don't ride I observe I still love it sometimes I finish sometimes I don't but I allways enjoy it exhausted or not
  2. stanmet

    Strange but true

    What I did with my stator cover I drilled a hole in the outer part of the crankcase tuned up a spigot the right size for a plastic pipe and glued it in with arldite sealed the stator and had never had corrosion inside in two years
  3. Could'nt have said it better myself ?
  4. Hi Bruce my Morgo oil pump has ball and springs in the crankcase
  5. My iPad on safari is ok no problem
  6. But then your dads a real trials rider old school ?
  7. Thanks Brucey hope to see you at a sidcup trial some time
  8. I like what you have achieved nice bit of work but I still prefer the early distributor outer case on but I will do the oil seal mod on the kickstarter shaft thanks for sharing your work and ideas
  9. It might not be water getting in but condensation not getting out we used to put a breather on top of the casing with rubber tube routed higher up the frame use to stop moisture getting between the points
  10. I prefer it with the cover on easy to keep clean and a bit of protection still good luck to you
  11. Jon could you tell me the size of the hose on your filter thanks
  12. stanmet

    Gone 4 stroke

    If you get a long screwdriver and going down the right hand side of the engine you can get the blade on the end of the header pipe had tap it loose it doesn't take much and it's thicker metal on the end of the pipe
  13. stanmet

    Gone 4 stroke

    Up is on when engine running down is on all the time you need to put it down if you haven't started it for a while just to top the carb up phut phut is normal lovely aren't they enjoy
  14. Bike fits ok in a berlingo
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