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Everything posted by mikesri14
  1. Yep was a good day, loads of people there! Hopefully see you at the next one!
  2. mikesri14

    Fried Piston!

    Thanks for the feedback, we've got some new bits comin our way in the next few days!! Any idea on the torque settings for the head bolts?? Mike
  3. mikesri14

    Fried Piston!

    Hi all, Went out riding at the weekend and my mate came off his 250 techno. As he came off, the throttle got stuck wide open, it was runnin at full chat for approx 10seconds. After alot of kicking and swearing we realised it wouldnt run so we got it home and took it apart this evening. Once apart we found it had scorch marks over the piston and the rings were shot. The barrel also has scoring on it too. Where abouts do people recommend getting new parts from? i.e, piston and rings?? Regards, Mike
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