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  1. Thanks for the pointer totalshell, however the picture resolution doesn't allow me to zoom in on number and Googling has shed no light. I don't mind doing the leg work but if you had a little more info' it would be helpful. Ta muchly.
  2. mmm, thanks for that it's made me look twice. The hz 'bar' below spindle on cap is consistant with AMC. I was thinking this model should have a LHS 7" drum, but I guess an 8" RHS drum would be reasonable for a 50ish rigid frame. The only ?? is the forks, so many lugs are they AMC?.
  3. no, that is a picture of nazi party supporters there is a diffrence; they look happy with their leader!.
  4. Can anyone id the hub and forks being used on the bike below, better still is Andy H out there? Thanks in advance.
  5. Idle thought to which any comments or knowledge are welcome. You could tie knots in the forks of my '49 350, also the front brake inspires little stopping resistance; I've yet to incorporate the advice in this forum on tweaking performance of SLS. So was thinking that if I could source say AJS Stormer forks and wheel this would be an improvement. I was thinking that they are not too modern for year of bike and should not be too out of place. Any comments on down sides ie falling foul of compliance rules or being an engineering nightmare to fit?.
  6. Sorry to high jack this thread but could someone please confirm; bicycle horn/contiuous tone = bulb horn? rear number plate; mmm mine has matt black paint on mudgaurd with white lettering, oh and reflector = OK? Speedo must be fitted even if it does not work??? that is plain dumb; my '49 Matchless was only fitted with a speedo as an optional extra, so I don't need one?. The bike has been road reg'd at some point as I have a log book and the bike is on a SORN. Any thoughts?.
  7. I like the advice re skimming shoes, I hadn't thought of the problem from that direction before. But, if you go for skimming an oval drum does this need to be done to a laced up drum to stop it being pulled out of 'true' when wheel is re laced?.
  8. 3 very good leads and RRND looks like a very active club - Thanks
  9. Thanks micm, guess my informant had vintage bikes mixed up with vintage riders :-).
  10. Hello - I've just Reg'd with the site and I dare say the details of my bike are visible somewhere?. Can any one suggest an active trials club suitable for 4 stroke rigid frame competition. I'm in the SE 10mls SE of Gatwick airport, so far the only lead I've had is Bognor Regis & District MCC which I need to investigate further. Any other suggestions?, thanks in advance.
  11. Hullo - Gradually moving towards getting a very cheap (bit of a dog) Matchless G3L '49 hardtail trials trim bike to reliable standard. Glad to hear from other owners to swap notes or more realistcally give me a bit more knowledge. All the best.
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