Hi Guys.
I live in Bolton the home of the Armstrong and have some contacts that worked at the factory I have a ex works Armstrong 320 it's a Saundres bike, trust me the bike has a none standard frame and the motor well its standard size for relibilaty it has some number from scruiteneering still on .
ps the tank is leaking like a waterfall as well.
as for the 240 Armstrong well under rated... just as good as a 320. rotax not so good.
So it looks like the JCM 323 was the first production mono shock trials bike. yes the yam was out there in 77 ish but not in production.
I think that the 323 was the first production mono shock trials bike, in may 1983 just before the beta. I Have been over to France and see the order book. My 323 was made 17 aug 1983. I would be to see if there is a date for the beta?
. have a look at this its bang on a bike up the Eiffel tower we should try this on Blackpool tower. The planing office would have a fitt a bike up the tower oh no no no.I remember this on mornining tv do you lot???
some top names C Cortard works jcm rider and J Correy, the man behind jcm..
Seth 29
your bang on my bike is one of the first 39 made by Joel Correy. it was a French rider that first got his hands on it, then sold it in England. its not like the 323 of 1984 it will only start out of gear and had the rear damper that lost air if you sat on the bike. as for fork angle could be a Harly Davidson but after money that could have got a new gas gas its ok but still won't turn as i want.
I found a tmx on e bay some time ago with birk on a 323 but just presumed he was riding for them not that it was a test.
So back to the start, what was the first production bike that a man could buy was it the beta,yam or jcm. went over to see Joel Correy and he showed me a pic of a jcm in the ssdt in 1982 but this was a pre production bike so not counted.
As the a/c mon shock forum has gone a bit shall i say boring am hoping this will spark off some fun.. what was the first mono shock trials bike, not a ridgid, was it the legendary ty 250 mono or the JCM 323 or was there other pre production bikes. What year did the ty mono did development I know pre 1984 as one N Berkett was a develepment rider but in 1983 was on a jcm so was the ty all done and off to the next challenge??? we are talking months days not to sure what do you lot think.pretty sure 1984 was the year....I have 323 that was made on the 17th aug 1983 that i think is the first production bike...as th ssdt was the challeng for a bike what was there???
I think it looks cool and delivers the goods, it may have a short battery life @ this time but how long before this kind of bike is running in the scot or the only bike that the local council will let run... hats off to the French thay are ont sat on there a*** ???
Come on you lot, part of the fun is huning down the rear swinging arm bush or having it made, the next time you look at a hill climb knowing if you flip the bike the rear mud guard is not able to be replaced off the shelf. The pre 65 boy have been down this road and come out laughing.
look out side the box and have the fun on sunday night.
Hi all
I know a small amount about this forum.
Start from day one Dextron is a name for a manufaturer tyre of Auto Tramsmition oil, this can be mineral oil or a blend of sinthetic oil most oil is ok for a short time eg 5 to 8 hours but if you go over that the fluid will brake down slowly. Most ATF oils are designed to run in old gear boxes eg brake band and 3 gears (its the gears mashing together that brake the oil down) but the modern German auto box runs a 7 speed with gears and wet clutches most of the gears, the fluid change is around 35,000miles but no mud or water which for one gram of water will corrod and damage 10 grams of good fluid most auto boxes have a filter no 2 stroke have, But the mercedes and bmw atf oil is a full sinthetic oil and will last longer and has a anti slip agent in the oil, the late merceces oil is glycol resistant which is good for all the betas with the corroded water pump casing. so basicly atf is very diferent look for one that is sinthetic and not mineral the more you pay the better. i ues the mercedes 722.9 gear box oil its on the bay for
I have dun the over night boat and sign on saturday morn, but you have to let them know and thay will take the entery pack to the start.
its a top trial you just need to chill the manx lot do it right. poss the best trial of the year.
Have a look at the date stamp on the x11. its a box with 0390 eg 3rd month of 1990. just fount one in the shed good tyre with good tred but hard as a rock the date stamp was 0284 amd was still riding on this but have been not able to turn in a section for the last 5 years. let us know whot the date was, could do with some fun.
Have just got some new falcons not to happy. The Betor is bang on the money..
Just got the friction plates back fitted and good as new, a place called seftek did them thay do a lot of stuf for the pre65 boys. you just tell them the size of the plate and jobs a gooden. will think 2 times before buying a new one...
that what i was thinking and had them in brake cleaner for 1 week and 4 gearbox oil chang later still the same.
Am going to send them away 2mro. will let you know of the outcome.
Can you help i have an old jcm 323 trial bike with the TI engine fitted. the clutch is slipping and not able to ride out of 3rd gear, as the bike is one of the first 35 bikes made it has a different clutch fitted the friction plates are more like a rear sprocket than a friction plate, there is a sureflex make on the plate but unable to find a listing for the bike or engine, have contacted them and no answer... have spoken to Joel in france but have no parts left and no part no. I think the bike has been run on car engine oil which has a slip agent in it so will mess up the best friction plates in the world. So have been messing around with spacers on the spring new springs still no luck. The only thing left is to get the friction plates relined, have you had this dun and where, have rang somewhere but they want
Hi what parts you after. engine or chassis.
The pics are cool. good to see some real history, so where does the ccm come in to this, A frinend of the family had the job of bringing the bikes back from the ssdt and I can remember the bikes beeing in the garage at home all with the ccm tanks there was x2 of them and all having the front fork damaged round the clamp bolts for the spindal. could this be in 1987.
As for the kick start problem... was talking to some one at a trial and had just go some parts from the usa for the rotax and am sure some time on the net and you could find it, he did give me the name of the place but it has gone now memery like a fish...
Hi the Cam-ams are the same as Armstrongs, If your lucky you can find one of the 10 ccm t240 or 280. The ccm bikes were on loan to the British army for the ssdt in 1987, the bikes have the rotax engine so the kick start is the problem there, but easy to fix now. the front end is all the same as the twin shock 240 310 320. gremco hubs and marazocky(not to sure of the spelling)35mm the only thing you will have a problem with is body work. eg tank and rear mudguards. the suspension is white power, have seen a rear mudguard on e bay some time ago so maybe a mould... as for the ride, I have heard from a very good sorce that the then works rider Steven Saunders rode the bike and then did one to Fantic as he could not ride the bike. The Jcm europa, montesa 310, Tlr 250, gasgas, and the Fantic all have small problem with each but are better in a section....
but you can count on one hand the amount of them left... which makes then worth the extra dolla. I would buy one if i could but none around in the uk worth the time of day...
Thanks you lot, have found that thay can be fixed (mine was bad) found a better sealant and cheaper. most engine have aluminium caseings and have found thayhave seler just for aluminum or mag, the sealer i have used is mercedes sealer and set like sticaflex. will get the part number of the one that i used and post in the mor. have used on a trial and up to now ok. thanks seth.
Hi can you help me i have a 05 rev 3 and the gear box oil is contaminated with anti coolant, had the water pump cover off and found the corrosion on the case all round the water pump seal. have see the aluminium case on e bay but none there now, was sure the person selling was a shop in the uk. can you lot help thanks
Well am new to all this forum stuff, so hear goes, I found a old Armstrong 320 frame in the garage the head stock has broken at some point and had been welded up (not a good job) so have decided to remove the lower tube and alter the angle of the forks to give a more modern riding style with better steering.
Not to sure if to copy the beta rev 3 angle or just bring in few degrees
also whot is the best way to weld the frame Thanks.
you need to spend some money on the pup. as younger bro is on the 323... and will show how its dun.
cool web sight. will post some pic of mine when i grt some time, is it right only 39 jcm 323 was made.
You must know you stuf on jcm's. have just got one its no 35. looks original. but am not sure about some things eg whot colour the head stock should be. and mine has polished but think should be red. not a lot of pic of them. its winter project... can you help. seth.
have you still got the jcm. it looks like mine is it a 323. have a look at the chassi no if its under 39 you have got a rare one.