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Everything posted by cwbashaw
  1. I was thinking about switching the brake lever on the bike, but decided it would hurt me in bike trials, and it seems there are lots of people who ride both so i guess it's just a matter of getting used to it. I'm considering taking the front brake lever off for a few rides since I'm not doing anything big it should be safe, hopefully that will force me to start using the rear brake instead.
  2. I ended up buying my friends 96 Fantic section 250. Hoping to get out and do some riding soon.
  3. I've been riding bicycle trials for years and now that I'm starting to ride motorcycle trials I'm having trouble remembering to use the rear brake, I keep instinctively grabbing the front brake because it's where the the rear brake on my bike is. Has anyone else had this problem? How did you get over it?
  4. Thanks for the tips I've decided to pass on the Reflex and look for a modern bike, then I'll pick up a second bike for street riding in the spring. Considering my friend rides a modern bike I think I will probably have trouble keeping up when we start trying bigger moves.
  5. I'm trying to decide between an 87 honda reflex and a modern trials bike. I like that the reflex is street legal so I can use it to commute to work, and I could do some trail riding with it, but I wonder how much my riding will suffer if iI choose it over a late 90's or newer pure trials bike. I'm new to motorcycle trials but have been riding bicycle trials for a very long time so I have been picking things up fast. Is the reflex good enough to learn the basics on or will I outgrow it too quickly?
  6. I looked at the rules, I guess they're not too far off from bicycle trials rules. I'm leaning towards getting a 2001 Scorpa sy250, is there any reason I should not go for it, or anything I should know about it?
  7. Thanks for the info everyone, I'll probably be going to the D6 event on the 4th. Hopefully I can buy a bike when I'm there or maybe before if I can find one locally. Can anyone direct me to a link for competition rules? I plan to compete next year and want to develop good habits from the beginning.
  8. Hi, I'm a new rider in MD, I live in Frederick and have been riding bike trials for years. Looking for people to ride with and learn from as well. I'm getting ready to buy a bike in the next few weeks, and am trying to decide if I should buy a mid to late 90's bike or if there is any reason I should consider spending more on a newer bike from about 2004 or 2005. Considering I'm an entry level rider will an older bike hold back my progress? Or am I better off with an older bike because I'm sure I'll be dropping it alot while I learn.
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