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Everything posted by telecat
  1. Personally it's down to How the rider feels with the Bike. The better they like it the better they ride. Now At Gas Gas Ross was one of the Crowd. At Jotagas he is the main rider. That could be what is helping him now. Also there is the "quality fade" problem where the rider just gets jaded riding the same bike every year and as they say "A change is as good as...".
  2. Happens even to the best of them. Ripon's first round this year had to be moved and the conditions certainly didn't help but it has put off a lad I know from going back. He decided to give the second round a miss and practiced at Tong instead. Trouble is when a few New riders go along and don't come back.
  3. Maybe but Sales of "Yamaha" Kill Switches should improve this year!!
  4. We have an Ohlins from 2006 that has been moved from bike to bike and is currently on a 2011 Pro. I believe that you would need to check the fittings but it could be possible.
  5. Seen a few more. The original one I mentioned was replaced by a 2013 300 model and my Son has tried that one, a standard one and a New one with the same mods as the 2012 above. Generally He is is impressed enough by the 2013 model to be looking at a 2014 in the summer. He prefers the standard olle shock as he can adjust it on the "move" and thinks the bike with the standard Carb is the most powerful engined bike out of the box. The Kehin does take it on though. The current 300 is probably a bit quick for a clubman so the 250 would be the best "clubman" option. The "Standard" bike he tried was a 300 that the owner had found a bit too quick after a 2012 300 so they are pushing the development along.
  6. No but the Bi-sexual DJ got me his autograph. No favours required!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Actually the DJ was milking the BI thing. He always left with a girl...
  7. It's a good bike. The 2013 is a more powerful beast though it seems the 2012 was tuned to be a bit more smooth than the 13. I would also check the gearbox seals. I do know one rider had problems on a long distance trial.
  8. Met Mark Almond at the Now legendary "Le Phonographique" club in the Merrion Centre Leeds. Seemed rather quiet for a celeb but that was back in the early 80's.
  9. We'll be "Standing in the Bar of the Pink Flamingo" waiting for you to come back.
  10. telecat

    Carb Freezing

    Seconded on the FST Pro. We had it years ago on a REV50 added this stuff in and used it since with no icing.
  11. Website just has the Trial on front page but no mention of whether it is on or off? Anybody know what it's like around Hovingham?
  12. Most A & B Nationals when we did them conformed to that as well. Sorry to say I do not think it was a ruling as at least two regulars of those we did, (Over several years), did involve a considerable amount of "hiking". I'm afraid these days many parents would not countenance having Kids under teenage years out of their sight. Not because they didn't trust anybody but because if anything did they need to be around as to avoid the "Heath and Safety" musketeers making assumptions they shouldn't.
  13. Carole Nash do Off road policies and On road as well. You just have to State that you need RTA cover. I think a few others will cover the bike as well if it is road registered but only while it is on the road.
  14. What Happens when we have no more "Old" riders left? The Elixir of Youth has yet to be found!!! Perhaps we should be asking why riders of the calibre of Danny Macaskill stay on their Bicycles in the UK whereas in Spain they seem to translate more of them to Motorcycles?
  15. I think that many here are missing the growth of the OSET/Mecatechno mounted youngsters. From a couple of bikes the Organisers are now able to run their "own" Trials alongside the enlightened clubs who have embraced this "starter" end of the sport. The sport here is growing and it allows those with little technical skill to get on the ladder early. If half the riders keep going we have a strong future ahead of us.
  16. Looks like old age is catching up with you! Yes in many places they HAD TO Stop. Kick Start was a timed and marked event with any "fails" adding to the time. Hence stopping was not only allowed as "zippy" says in certain places it was a "fail" if you didn't stop for a certain length of time or until the completion of the obstacle.
  17. Can't blame you for wanting to keep your head down Mick. The instant anybody defends "Stop" a rabid mob descend to try and tear you to pieces. Nobody is trying to take MX back to "Scrambling" around a muddy field because they know nobody will watch it anymore. Taking the spectacular out of a sport merely leaves it looking old and worn. Pandering to the "older" riders will leave Trials to die because we will not have any young riders.
  18. I think your nearest Sherco dealer would be a good start. They are equipped with them from new so they should carry spares. As for anywhere else that depends where you are.
  19. 2012 Bike had a few weaknesses. Mainly the Swingarm which for heavier riders flexed a bit. The Engine appears to have been a bit safe on power. The Brakes and clutch used the "Formula" parts which many hated. The 2013 has a reinforced swing arm, (most 2012's should have it as well by now), The Engine has more power in 300 form so not such an easy ride. That could be down to the 250 and 280 being for the less experienced or those who want a quieter bike.. The Hydraulics are now AJP which most prefer. My Son has tried two 2013 300's and thinks that out of the box they are the best bike. But that's down to his preferences. He has tried other recent bikes and it's down to riding style as he says.
  20. I'd check the Overflow pipe and Make sure it does not have a hole in it close to the Breather and make sure the Breather is pushed it tight and the tube should also be a nice tight fit on the Breather. Water can get drawn in any little hole in the tube or Breather and they can be hard to spot especially if they on on the inside of the pipe.
  21. I think the Gas Gas Specific parts are still available from GasGasuk.com as they state they stock parts back to 1988!! I would also keep an eye on ebay where these bikes do pop up when being broken. The rest of the parts are pretty generic so a local Trials Shop or such as BVM who are not that far away, or TrialsUK will carry them.
  22. I Got one for Chris back in 2001. I beliebve the engine was a Morini Air cooled 80cc five speed unit. It was not easy to find spares as the Importer had been Jake Miller and he stopped importing them soon after starting! I was told James Dabill rode it in the D class Championship for him which as he was riding a Scorpa 250 when we bought it shows how old it was. From Memory I believe they came in from 1995ish and Jake stopped a couple of years later. They suffer from the same problem all those kids bikes do in that they are quite a limited market. Clipic have the same problem. From another thread they have a contact for the engine, harglo-performance.com tel 01386 701162. As for Plastics I would trawl ebay where there are Sprockets for them so I would see what can be done. Ours was purchased from RPM in Sheffield who seemed to disappear a couple of years ago. It Did go pretty well but it was replaced by a first generation BETA REV50 which Chris rode really well. He went from the back of the pack to competing with riders who had ridden for a number of years. Hence I'd say if your youngster can ride it well and shows the enthusiasm that Chris did it will be a good learning bike but maybe not a good competition bike.
  23. Funny Really as My Son has tried the Jotagas and reckons it has more power than the 300 Gas Gas. A local rider also had the 2012 and thought the 2013 300 a bit too much for him. Probably a 250 might be the better compromise.
  24. Received a call early this morning that the Trial is off due to the Weather.
  25. Chris has the 2011 300 and White Sidi's and he does not have a problem. Me being about 5 inches shorter does have a problem.
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