Riders Numbers are up in the Championship class but overall were down. Spectators voted with their feet and crowds at local BTC's were down. In one case two riders and a spectator who where there estimated that there were under 250 people following the event. Most of whom were friends and relatives. The riders were not impressed with the new rules either. As for going off and doing the Spanish Rounds. DIbs and Brown have been said they'd like to do just that. The Importers they are tied to have different agendas though. So the riders don't like it and the Spectators don't like it. I suspect that the riders are bending the importers ears as we speak. As for having a quieter life with marking sheets I always let a rider know when they have had a five especially if it was for a technical infringement. At this level the riders need to know their marks. It could make or break the event, season or even the working life of riders.