The Rules were agreed with the ACU for the OSET Trials and refer to "Parental Assistance" in getting though a section. They also only apply to "E" class. Basically a clean is achieved by getting though a section without dabbing or PA. Dabbing without PA is up to 2, Getting though a section with PA is 3. It means a Five is only given with a Fall off or missing flags. Stopping does not incur a penalty. I stand to be corrected as I haven't been to many of these Trials but I'm sure Dave Horne will be able to clarify.
Still no results. They know how to wind up the Tension!!!
They are missing a board according to Bradford. Hopefully they aren't looking for the one where the Observer decided they'd had enough and bugger'ed off after the first lap. Left a few riders scratching their heads.
Generally West Leeds run Three courses with a Complete beginners course below the Clubman. However At the Presidents Trial Only two will be marked looking at the regs. It won't kill you but you might find some sections just a bit hard. I'd say whichever you go to see how you do and enjoy the ride.
And another Point. Clubs HAVE, not should But HAVE to get the Kids in. OSET Trials have brought many Kids to Trials with Parents who haven't been before. Welcome them. Convince them we are not like Football parents and they will get support. Give Them the feeling that they can Trust the clubs and they will be noticed and encouraged. Too many clubs concentrate on the "older" members. They will die slowly without Youth riders.
Again. Spend time and effort on the Kids you WILL be repaid.
Sorry but "Back in the old Days" does not "cut it". The SSDT and Scott have SPECIFIC needs which means that TSR22B works for them. As I have stated so MANY Times I am sick of it, it does not MATTER the rules that are run. If the course is difficult MARKS WILL BE LOST. Unfortunately many riders CANNOT and WILL NOT accept this and gripe and moan about the trial whichever rules are run. This seems to be an "older" core who Miss riding with Rathmell and Lampkin and Thorpe. BIG NEWS Guys, they've gone!!! The riders who succeeded them got better. The courses had to get Harder. To Compensate John Collins and clubs thoughout the land included slightly easier courses and numbers for the complete BTC steadied. CofC's still vied to get the "best" off the bikes which is NOT THE POINT. The point is to get Marks off them not KILL THEM. Until the ACU and FIM Get clubs in hand we will have "silly" Trials. Hell we get "silly" Courses at Club level at times. Most Club Trials are set correctly for the people they know are coming. Given a hint anybody good is turning up some go completely mad. The sport is fragmenting. The Riders who want TSR22B are going to have to move away from those with TSR22A. Given the Vitriol spouted by many in the TSR22B camp that would be a good thing. They can run the Traditional and S3 series and the rest can run the rules the rest of the World run.
We have a BIG core of young riders on OSET's running rules not far away from TSR22A. They will hopefully move to REV50/80 Cadet 80's when they are old enough. They GET the rules. They will be buying the Petrol bikes. The Importers HAVE NOT invested in the Young riders. BETA so nearly had them with the REV50 and then they dropped it. Commercially understandable as they did not want to commit to a long production run of an engine they would have to buy and not own. However it was a dropped ball for the sport until OSET came along. I can only hope Mecatecno are sensible and don't mess the market up and kill the "Golden Goose". They are where the Money will be coming from and they are all under 25. That market is growing after Years of Neglect and they mostly prefer TSR22A.
Basically there are two BIG markets. The Middle aged who now have money after Years of Kids sponging it up and the Young who haven't any kids. We HAVE to accommodate both. Because the young don't compromise and the old "want it as it was". Live with it we are in Transition and a recession. You leave well alone and watch where the market goes. Any attempt to "push" it risks Killing the Sport. I unfortunately don't have "faith" in any "old guard". The History of the British Motorcycle Industry shows the "bosses" don't know what they are doing. They went with the Mantra and Died. I don't want to see Trials in the UK die because we end up a blind alley.
The advise is to see if a Modern 2T would be better for him. If you don't "get on" with a bike it would just have to go.
I'd say you should try a 2T. Much as I agree that the 4T is a better Trail style bike, for you it may not be the answer. Try a couple of the 2T's and see if they are your style.
3rd December about 4 in the morning two thirds of "Motorsport Mondial" was devoted to the "Mitchell" round of the BTC. I got it because we have it on series link for Chris. Not bad coverage either Dibs, Brown, Haslam, Danby and Richardson all had considerable name checks. John Shirt was spotted "holding" a rock in place for Brown and various faces I know could be spotted in the crowd or minding. Not lots of sections but they did have Multiple Camera angles on the sections covered.
Let's look at the role of the importers in this. They are concerned with the number of bikes being SOLD not the BTC as such. Now I have to say I have been to numerous Trials and the importers are not big in supporting Trials outside of the BTC and the WTC. This begs the question who are they trying to sell to? The existing market is already covered. Everybody here knows who they are and where they sell. Outside of this community they are barely known. That's where the expansion is and the current importers are not really doing anything about expanding the market. I went to the KX Energy drink Promotion in Leeds and Nobody from the Importers had bikes there for the Public to "drool" over and that was a gold plated opportunity. There were plenty of Kids watching with Biking Dads but no Promotion from the Importers. Now I understand that Tesco's may have limited promotion but it seemed a wasted opportunity.
The BUMPY initiative at the Motorcycle show did at least get the Bikes from Gas Gas. But the whole thing was setup by,(to their credit), the ACU.
So why are the importers so convinced that changing the rules will help? I don't know. The same riders will turn up except that we already know that Dibs is out, Wiggy has indicated that the rules aren't going to help him so I cannot see him doing BTC if he can do a European series that will. That leaves Michael Brown, (Who does not seem thrilled by the new regs), Sam Haslam, Ross Danby, Jack Challoner, Jon Richardson and Ben Morphett as probable regulars. With Jon being in the SPEA program would he be keen to ride BTC? Jack rides for Top Trial Team so would they let him ride? Hence we could be done to four regulars. Unless they have some ideas of the Next generation moving straight into the Championship class then I do not see the logic. I see rider numbers down rather than up and the expense is unchanged as you have to be there for two days rather than one.
Personally I hear every Year that sections will be eased to encourage riders but that doesn't happen. C of C's seem to be in competition with each other to make each round harder and nobody from the ACU seems able to "reign" them in. Nobody wants to criticise them too much in case they take their toys home with them.
No-Stop rules meaning the sections will be eased?? I'll believe it when I see it. More riders? More in the second tier probably. A solution to a perceived Numbers problem?
Not a hope.
Road Tyres!!!! You have seen what goes for road tyres these days!!!!
Sorry I watched that "Supertrial" video from the 70's and got bored very quickly. Too repetitive no matter how good they are.
And How Many times do we hear about Pre-65's and how "original" they are. That's a whole new set of arguments!!!!
Reading the ACU handbook they have a spec they cannot exceed. Leaves only Compound and that's down to users really. I doubt they will sell many if they puncture too easily or wear out too fast and The "top" levels of all Motorsport use tyres that exceed the performance of the "road" versions. Spec tyres work because they are Policed. As My sons bike is never checked at Trials Apart from nationals how do you expect to be able to do this? I could also ask how professional do you want the sport to be? That will cost LARGE amounts and will be passed on to the rider.
Both work well as "long ride" bikes with the Beta the Better all round Trials bike as it's a bit softer and easier to Trial. There is a couple of Photos of a converted Beta Here.
The Montesa has better outright power and overall is a better long distance bike. Similar kit to that on the Pictured Beta is also available.
You need to enter the "conducted" classes where all the riders are together and ride a section several times before moving on to the next. It's all Dad's helping out and the bonus is He can watch the experienced riders and pick up tips. Lot's in the Yorkshire centre but most run from about March onwards. However YG always run Conducted Trials at all bar national events.
The Bike was a friends who had two and his Dad basically brought up the Fuel flow issues as he is in the "trade". The bike's he had would not run over 30 mph on the road and tended to "die" enough when putting on throttle so he just lost all faith in them. I believe one of them was in bits throughout the SSDT servicing and despite the attentions of MRS and Sherco never ran right. In the end they just got rid of them. The improvements seem to be along the lines of the Kehin Carb mounted in a better position. My lad tried it and was quite impressed. Not impressed enough to consider buying one first mind. It's a work in progress which like the early GasGas Pro's is getting better as they go. When they reach the "tipping" point where the development pays off they will be worth getting.
Of course the Trials Bicycle is very popular but those riders many of whom are world beaters are not making the transition like they do in Spain.
I'd avoid the 2011 bike. It was still a work in progress. The 2012 is very different but I get the feeling it will be a curates egg. The main problem on the 2011 was the fuel path. It just does not seem to pick up fuel correctly.
Depends, Dibs, Browny and Challoner pretty good. You don't depose the "old" guard that easily. It Took Raga a number of seasons to dispose of Dougie then he found Bou there as well. That six years is how long the BTC took to deliver Serious riders to replace Dougie and Graham could also be argued. Don't forget Dougie and Graham went to Spain for a while to ride with the BTC effectively being a "Sideshow" for a number of years.
Should work ok but make sure it inclines/declines down to the piston. That model had the carb dtraight which seems to cause problems.
There has been a few drafts about but they all seem to have disappeared! Might have to see how the rule changes affect the calendar. Some clubs may wish to see who declares to ride BTC first.
Dabill's not impressed. Not sure Browny's keen on "no Minders" so what sort of communication the ACU has had with the Riders is in doubt. I agree that No Minders would have been good on the Expert "B" course but it seems the C of C's didn't agree.
Personally I have combined punching with marking and Timekeeping at a BTC. IT wasn't that difficult or maybe I'm just better.....
I notice not many have bothered taking on my arguments. Obviously too good for you. As for rider numbers the current system is about to produce them. Now it looks like panic has set in and YMSA Trials are going to be the British Championship for those wanting to progress now that the BTC has been "Tainted" by those who want everybody to win a BTC round.
Rough Holden Farm
This venue which is located on the outskirts of Silsden has been used as a practice venue for over 10 years -pre foot & mouth. The venue could be lost as a practice venue in the near future unless Ian Boothman (Landowner) can provide evidence that people have used the ground on a ad hoc basis. He requires evidence that you the trial rider have used the venue over the last 10 years to practice on. All he requires is a letter stating who you are and a statement that you have used the venue for practice. You can e-mail him via Peter at peter@bradfordtrials.org or a direct letter to Ian at:
Ian Boothman
Rough Holden Farm, Sislden, Keighley, BD20 0ZS
If Ian loses his case there is a chance the anti bike brigade will then set out to stop organised trials at the venue. If they are successful where next, Keighley Gate, Addingham Moorside, Lady Lane , Cowling Cragg plus many others within the Keighley area.
Don't think someone else will do it get pen to paper now or e-mail Peter. peter@bradfordtrials.org
Thanks on behalf of Ian and all local trials riders
In Spain they have the Punters, they have TV coverage etc. There it works why should they change? Why wouldn't they resist the FIM trying to change the rules? Especially as it's only the ACU trying to do it?
In the UK the problem is a lack of a rider capable of winning WTC. There was a BIG gap between Dougie, Graham, and Steve Colley to the current lads. It could be said that nobody was going to come though while these boys dominated the sport in the UK. But it has hurt the Sport here as Doug and Graham have moved to Enduro's and Steve just does shows. Could that be blamed on No Stop? There's an argument it could be.
That lack of a really high profile rider with no disrespect to Dibs, Jack etc is probably what's hurting UK Trials at the moment. There is nobody who can get on TV barring Dougie because as far as the TV exec's are concerned they don't have the credibility. They are starting to bridge the gap and with Browny, Wigg and Shepard a new dynasty could emerge as Spain's Golden generation Wane. Just Behind them are lads like Jack Price and Joe Faunthorpe brought up on Stop Trials at National level. If we change to No Stop we risk another big gap in WTC capable riders by going back to rules designed for twin shocks and drum brakes. Yes it gets the enthusiast interested but not the "Punters" who want to watch.
However look at Bicycle Trials, Danny Macaskill is feted on TV due to how he can throw a Trials Bicycle around. He could be on a Trials Motorcycle. However would he be interested in No-Stop? Pretty unlikely even if the Money was there and lets face it He doesn't need to move now. Many of his contemporaries don't want to move either. In Spain a lot do and we have missed out on them. No-Stop certainly discourages them because that's what they do! And they are growing in number.
We've seen Jack start to do the sort of Video Danny does to get the sport moving. That excites Punters. We do have riders coming in. Those who find road and MX/Enduros just too damaging. Youngsters on the OSET's. That's the future and we can cater for all. Set Beginners and Club course out so they can be ridden No-Stop. The Main and Championship courses as Stop and you make everybody happy and you get a progression for the riders who want and need it.