Spent some time "touring" Scotland a couple of Years ago. It's a Beautiful place but so is England. So no problems there. I had a Scottish Trainer with me and as She had a pretty balanced view of her own country. Most of the "attitude" seems to come from the percieved "conquest" of Scotland by the English. What is not mentioned is the different nature's of the people of Scotland. The Bandit nature of the Clans which affected the Low landers as much as pi$$ing off the English is the major influenence that seems to cause the friction. This is seen as being a Scottish independent streak where it caused as many problems to the Scottish people themselves, an example being the "clearences" where a lot of Scot's moved to Ireland and beyond. Those events where caused by the very people the Scot's in many instances laud as "heroes''. That is the Clan Lords finding a cheaper way of making money. It's a case of selective memory picking and choosing events to suit how any people's see themselves. Rob Roy and Robin Hood share a similar folk legend. Neither could actually be called a hero but in the Victorian era they have had there legends created and their stories "cleansed" of any bad influences. Basically delve deep enough and the reasons for events are there and do not justify the "hatred" seen by the factions. I'm not a big fan of Sting's politics, but to those who don't try "History will teach us nothing".