6 months ago I probably would have bought this kit, but I love my 300RR so much (even though I use it as a play bike and not to compete) that I will immediately buy the 4 Ride when it is available in the USA. What an easy, fun playbike that will be, and if it is as quiet as my 300 rr it will be the only other dirt bike that I ride without wearing earplugs.
I hate buying the first year of anything, but if it is the same motor then maybe it's safe. In any case, if one were available at my dealer I'd have a very hard time resisting.
I still love mine. But if I were expert level I can see wanting more power.
With the characteristics of this motor I like the stock gearing, often I find first just runs out a little early as it is, and I'm a rank amateur. Not to bikes, but to trials. I also have a Gas Gas 250. With stock gearing I find the Montesa much more user friendly than the Gas Gas with just about any gearing. I find myself going too slow rather than too fast, so I'm leaving it stock geared and loving it.
Could you tell me your dealer? I'll just order from them.
Yes, if it the pleasant 2 stroke smell (this is how you can tell someone has been involved with motorcycles for decades, the 2 stroke oil smells good) it's fine, if it's the "lawn mower burning oil" smell or the clapped out car burning oil smell then it's tranny oil.
Thanks, I did not realize folks routinely sat on the plastic. What kind of distance would the road work be in these events? Several miles or shorter? I did not know there would be road riding involved in a "real" event.
When you say that trials riders used their bikes as regular transportation, do you mean the older style with conventionally placed gas tanks and seats, or did they also do that with the current style without seats?
Looking to run a section of back road 1 or 2 miles without standing up on a motorcycle, which causes any folks to look, and police are folks.
Feel like I'm attracting the politically correct police here or something.
Nobody told me I should have checked with you first, forgive me.
For the record, owner could not care less but wants discretion. Does not want the loud crowd, nor the rowdy crowd. Therefore no parking there. Hence, my riding there and a quick turn in.
Thank you again for educating me, 5 decades riding so I'm a newbie about all things motorcycling, including image,
I need to reduce the chance of getting stopped, so things that look like lights, and a seat, will greatly reduce that chance. As far as tire wear, only going a 2 to 3 miles. If I park my truck at the trails the law will have me sussed out in no time. But if I park a couple miles away and quickly unload my bike from a van, I can do a quick turn in on the trails and nobody will ever figure out I'm out there. Stick the fake seat behind a tree, go have fun, nobody will hear me on the Montesa.
This is one thing about electric....the ability to ride totally unheard. Folks perceive them differently too. Gas engines + 2 wheels = bad to many people. Battery power = toy. Can't wait til there are really good adult electric ones.
Does anyone know where I can buy the seat that comes with the 260? I heard that it fits the 300RR and want to use it to access trails by riding on the street and I'm thinking the seat will help keep me from getting stopped, along with the fake lights I will put on.
Congratulations, fun bike, I have a few hours on my 300.
They say in the manual to stay away from more than 1/2 throttle, so I've done that and kept away from any high revs.
I could smell oil from the exhaust for the first hour of running, which was broken up into 4 or 5 short segments, now I smell nothing at all other than a bit of gas when it first starts
when it's cold (some 40 degree days last time I started it).
Don't kick the kicker hard, just steady, even strokes, without jumping up and without "snapping" your leg, easy does it and she starts. Well, 10 easy kicks the other day, but it was 30 degrees F.
A Ducati "bevel drive" V-twin out of the 70's with Conti pipes: the ultimate in motorcycle sounds.
Many snowmobiles, still to this day, are deliberately stopped then started in reverse, automatically by a switch that shuts the motor down, then lets it bounce back off a compression stroke and run backwards, to give reverse. Then, upon hitting the switch, the motor cuts out until it slows down, bounces back off a compression stroke again, and then runs forward.
This is wrong, the analysis shows that using an average of the efficiencies of producing electricity versus fuel for the internal combustion engine, the power needed to produce the gas engine versus electric and batteries, producing and running electric motors and batteries is much more efficient overall. I love internal combustion engines, but I have researched it, wanting to find as you write. But it's not that way. So I have reluctantly changed stance, for power efficiency from cradle to death of the devices including the power used to run them, electric wins at its current state, and will only get better.
I will even buy an electric trials when a good adult one has proven itself.
Thank you for all of the replies.
Can't tell much difference, if any, on setting 1 or 2, but I'm not using the upper end of the range. I'm leaving the setting in full power, since I'm not noticing a difference. I'm a rank novice, not to motorcycling, but to trials. A very nice, easy power flow down low and in the middle, I like that. I have to wonder if those coming from 250 2 strokes will wish for more snap. My 250 Gas Gas can scare me if I grab a bit too much, the Montesa 300RR, no.
I've just ridden it around in the yard, where I can't really detect a difference in maps.
Which is the higher power map, 1 or 2?
Thank you in advance!
As a manufacturer in a different industry, I can tell you that nobody outside of the company will be given the story on all these things such as sourcing, production details, etc. Companies give information to outsiders based on what they want said, always a very incomplete story. And guys on forums can make things up, while all the readers assume it's true.
This is why I don't spend any time trying to figure out what is happening. I also take direct quotes from the company with a grain of salt. It might be mostly true, partly true, or pure wishful thinking.
I pick mine up next week, the "300". I'm wondering about the re-intro curve, though I was not advanced when I stopped 5 years ago. I figured the Montesa would be an easy to live with step back in, with ease of starting, quieter (neighbors, and houses near riding areas), etc,
A few weeks of riding, I'll have a good idea. Hopefully the experiment / expensive risk will turn out positive.
Accurate post, but funny at the same time. I'm just thinking of the possible kickback! And laughing at the picture of pushing the bike around with fuel spewing out the plug hole.
Visited the bike yesterday at the dealer, dropped a deposit, started it. Just like you guys report, and I fully believed you, just a soft push. Man, that compression lowering for starting is amazing, that thing turns over softer than a lawn mower. I'll be riding around in a week or two, lucky our winter is nearly non-existent this year.
I have been searching for either a new 260 or 300 and feel lucky to have found one, it's a 300, so that will be the one.
Thank you for the posts.
Still looking for one in stock in the eastern half if USA. And I thought I'd be ahead of the curve by buying mid winter!