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Everything posted by desmo_kid
  1. Wow, that's what I'm looking for. Need to call the dealer now to order. Thanks.
  2. I thought it had a "slippery" mode and a normal mode, or something like that. And I was wondering if the slippery mode was a lot less abrupt power delivery. I don't like abrupt.....
  3. Guys, thanks!!!! I'm going to order one today. Now I have to decide, the big one or the normal one. One thing, if the big one is a lot tamer on the low traction setting I'll order it. Thanks again!
  4. Can anyone tell me first hand about the mapping difference, in terms of what you feel through the throttle, and is the delivery easier to handle, when you switch it into the low traction mode?
  5. I have a 2010 Gas Gas 250, but starting her has been a problem due to a knee injury. First, it takes a good hard snap. Not so much of a problem, alone, but the kick lever hits the mount of the foot peg at the end of the throw, and being short throw it is hard for me to avoid bottoming out like this as it has to be kicked fast. So, I'm wondering about the 4RT. Does the lever hit against anything hard like this when you push it through? Do you have to give the lever a good hard snap? I would buy one if I knew about this one issue. But no dealer within hours and hours of me has one. Excited to hear replies.
  6. Why shame on him? Sellers have an expectation to fairly represent the item. I clearly list the strenghts first, the list the weaknesses of anything I sell. There's a reason ebay swung so far around to the buyer's side. I'm not happy with it when I sell, but know why this all happened. Shame on the seller first.
  7. I have looked at the S3 site and they seem to only mention risers for oversized bars. Have you purchased risers for the stock bars?
  8. Can you tell me what year(s) this fan strut cutting into radiator problem affected? I have an 09 TXT Pro 250. First trials bike, love it.
  9. Do you say that from experience and knowlege or are you making sort of a joke? Hoping the former! It's one of the places I've considered moving to: looking for proximity to large mountains, plentiful trail opportunities, city of 100,000 so there's a good airport and support businesses for my business. Idaho is on the short list.
  10. Hello all, I've started riding a trials bike (09 Gas Gas TXT Pro 250) this year at age 52 hoping to pick up skills at the very least, enjoy using it as a trail bike, and maybe competing a bit if I like true trials riding. So far I love the friendliness of the bike (low, light) and have not had one hard dump like I've had several of on my enduro. I'm starting to think this may be the safest way to enjoy off road riding.
  11. Some of the rockier sections of your ride on utube remind me of the areas I've been riding on my enduro (KTM 250 XCFW) and trials bike (250 TXT Pro 250). I got back into the dirt at 50 yrs old after a 30+ year layoff and figured a trials bike would be easier to learn new skills on. I have been encouraged by my progress so have been challenging myself on the enduro bike. But 2 very low speed dumps in the rocks last weekend tweaked my knee to the point that makes me feel I was very close to serious damage. That has me wondering if in the gnarlier areas I'll stick to the trials bike. The far lower height and much lighter weight combine to avoid any of the type of getoffs I've had on the enduro and I've not come close to tweaking a knee or landing on rocks on my back (as evidenced on the enduro by deep scratches and gouges on my back protector) when on the trials bike. Reading some of the comments here touched on the difficulty factor with the heavier, taller enduros so I thought I'd add the above comments on that. This quote from the thread in particular brought a smile to my face as this is how I hurt my knee Monday: "The serious enduro bikes, xc, and xwc are 15-20 lbs more. Low speed handling is appalling---and there's always the wonderfull slow highsides--the tall seats mean you cannot catch it on a sidehill with the downhill foot, so you bail, then race over and bench press the whole thing before the gas all spills out. 500 calories in about 2 minutes" Back to the original post, I just ordered an open face helmet for the trials bike, the slower speeds really kill me in the heat. If I know I'll be doing faster riding I can always use the full face helmet. Ask yourself this: how many times at trials speeds have you dumped where you landed on your face or had scratches on the front of the helmet? That will give you an idea of the risk of the open face helmet. As far as the riding in your area goes, it looks gorgeous! Is it easy to find riding like this in legal areas?
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