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  1. Doug- Good to hear from you!!! Yep it's true, we're now in memphis. That's great you have family down here, we'd love to get visitors!! I actaully lost my cell phone and all my numbers with it, send me a private message with your number agian, I may change my number to a local one when i switch companies, so i'll be able to keep you updated
  2. AXULSUV - Thanks for the info! I e-mailed b&j racing and looked at both trials sites! If you're ver out this way let me know, we are both beginer modern riders and love to ride with anyone, we also ride enduro bikes. My personal e-mail is adamgray_1@yahoo.com feel free to hit me up if you ever need a riding partner! Thanks very much!!!
  3. We're relacoating to the Memphis area and are looking to meet trials riders and find out about events in the area. Everyone Knows riding with others is more fun Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks Adam and Kim
  4. Man that thing looks sweet Doug!!! Sorry i've been covered up at work and was sicker than a dog for a week! so i haven't been doing much of anything. A couple of guys replied to me on here about some winter trials and i haven't even looked at them yet lol. Sucks being busy but oh well whatta you do Let me know when you get that baby up and going!!!! take care c-ya
  5. HAHAHAHAHA well looky there Doug did call me out!!! Thanks guys I appreciate the support!! Don't let that Doug fool ya he's, no slouch. Only been out three times as well and pulled in a 2nd for vintage! It is very nice to have the sherco up and running well, just hope all the problems are behind me, couldn't have done it without all the help from this forum!!! Thanks all!, you're a great help! On the note of the great help you've all been, does anyone know of any late season/winter events? I sure would like to compete again before april.
  6. Doug, Yeah I hear ya lol! I was hoping to catch some competitions though, thats how we (or atleast I) get better the fastest. Tomorrow i'm going to be at moto supreme in Kurtz practicing for the 2-man hare scramble at Stoney on sunday. so i'm all tied up with that it looks like but let me know what time and who all you have coming out and ya never know i might be able to squeeze it in
  7. Hi, I've just gotten into trials and rode the last half of the Trials inc. series. There schedule does not start back up till april 2010! I'm looking to continue running trials events but can't find any that run during the winter. Is there anything out there? Thanks, Adam
  8. Hey all!! Sorry to have taken soooooo long to update, but i haven't had time to ride and fully test the bike. Finally this past sunday I made it out to a trials event and i must say the sherco perfomed well! no issues at all, granted it was a nice, dry, 70 degree day but no issues with restarting at all! No oil lost (that i noticed) through the vent tube. I ran full synthetic 10w-40 without issue. Thanks everyone for all your tips, advice, and suggestions!! Adam
  9. HTRDOUG- I got my self into one of the deals where you get a really cheap hot tub but you and your suckers... cough.. excuse me I mean friends have to come out and move it, well that is supposed to be happening tomorrow (wed.) night but if it falls through which i would say has atleast a 30% likelyhood of doing so, i would love to come out tomorrow with you guys! i should know wether or not the hot tub thing is going down by tomorrow afternoon and i'll give you a shout if not! Thanks for the invite i appreciate it. Zippy- Yeah I guess i'm going to stick the sherco out for a bit longer, unless the air filter gets the best of me ! I've got a few ideas rolling around about a re-design that hopefully would make life for me and the engine better! For the flywheel cover, that's what i was afraid of. I had done it that way and upon my disassembly of the flywheel side for the crank seals i noticed bits of RTV floating around in there that had broken off from the "sqeeze out" on the inside(even behind the windings). I'm concerned this may have had a part in crank seal failure on that side, unknown for sure but no sense in taking a chance. I assembled it this time by smoothing the RTV across the cover and letting it dry before installing. Essentialy making a rubber gasket. Who knows we'll give it a try and see Copemech- I'll order a 38 pilot no problem and it give it a whirl. What do you suggest on the 115 main? is that in range or should we bump it up one or two as well? I cannot say why the seals failed but they didn't seem hardned and were almost as pliable as the new ones. One theory(atleast for flywheel side) might be, upon disassembly of the flywheel side I found "strings" of RTV from the "sqeeze out" on the inside of the cover from trying to seal it. I found them even behind the plate! They weren't wrapped around the shaft but it doesn't mean they never were. That would wipe out a seal immediately! Could have just been from fatigue too, who knows, no smoking guns unfortunately. All and all the whole mess cost 66 bucks for seals, gasket, and flywheel puller ( I used a rubber strap wrench to hold the hold the clutch hub/housing ) saving 60 bucks. I've seen a few places on here people mention running 10w-40 in their crankcase? RYP recomends 75w is the 10w-40 seeming to help something? Thanks, Adam
  10. Got the seals installed in the sherco this weekend. Haven't put much ride time on it to verify the problems are gone but it defiently idles a lot more crisp! Both the seals I recieved from RYP and the ones that came out were BLACK. Even if these "BLACK" seals only last 3 years this project is sooo simple and easy it wouldn't be bad every 3 years. My only remaining question (assuming the problem is fixed) is what is the best way to seal the flywheel cover? Thanks, Adam
  11. Awesome Thanks a million all!!!!!!!! I'm going to place the order from RYP this morning and i've heard most stuff can be had within a day or two from my distance! I'll keep updating as progress proceeds and the questions i'm sure i'll have. I'll update the color/type of seals in the bike and new ones as soon as i lay eyes on em'. Thanks again this forum is a great help Adam
  12. Thanks those manuals are helpful! I was hoping not to have to tear it down completely, can you sneak the seals out from the out side? like with a seal pick? then just drive the new ones back in? I've searched up and down for a post relating to the actual replacement of the seals and i'm sure it's on here. I just can't seem to find it! if anyone knows where it is , that would be great!!! Thanks, Adam
  13. Ok have been into the sherco since i've been home and this what i've found. Pilot jet is a 35, main is 115 so everything looks ok there, re-routed fuel line to maximize distance from the muffler, set fuel screw to 4 turns out, put in brand new BPR5EIX iridium plug gapped to 20 thousandths, fuel is staright outta the pump 93 octane mixed with bel-ray MC1 @ 80:1, air filter and box are spotless, checked all wiring for bad spots (found a few,,,, ,,,more). After all of this the bike was still contrary to start, so i puled the flywheel cover and sparyed electronics cleaner behind the flywheel (since i don't have a puller) just to get anything that might be hidding back there out. While doing this i just had the notion to also do it while it was running, and whatta you know a three second burst of electronics cleaner behind the flywheel results in a much crisper (and lower) idle with nasty smelling plums of white smoke out the exhaust!! Looks to me like we have a leaky crank seal but wanted to bounce this off you and ask for some direction from here. There is no excessive smoke normally so i doubt the clutch side is bad but should i replace both anyway? I remember reading on one thread that somewhere on here is instructions on how to replace crank seals and that it was pretty straight forward? If we all agree on crank seals where should I get them and a puller? RYP? Thanks and i look forward to hearing back and hopefully we've got this nipped in the butt!!
  14. Thanks guys!!! It's a rainy mess here today so i'll be tearing back into the sherco and applying all the tips and tricks you have suggested (that already haven't been done) I'll give a full report on my findings/results tomorrow. Thanks again, Adam
  15. I got stuck working late last night so no time to fiddle with the sherco and i'm being pressured by the go fast guys to get out with them tonight. Ripping on the ole' KTM might be just the reprieve I need from wrenching on the sherco I'll get the numbers off the pilot jet by tomorrow night and wait to hear the final word on the best position for the dellorto fuel inlet before attempting another fuel routing change. If anyone has a pic of how they run their line it seems it might be super helpful to us that may still be a little foggy. Thanks again to all, for your tips,suggestions, and questions. Adam
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