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Everything posted by nadder
  1. No sorry, other things got in the way! How did you get on? Good day?
  2. Does anyone know the rough tank range of a 250 (ish) pure trials bike? I know its a bit of a piece of string question but could you get twenty miles out of it? or is it a 5 miles of pootling round type thing? Thanks
  3. Hi Matt, I am hoping to come down and watch, never been to a trial before so looking forward to it! Thanks
  4. Hi guys thanks for the responses! I'm in the middle of salisbury so a lot of places are accesible! I will try and get down on sunday for sure to check it out! I've not picked the bike up yet so it'll be a week or two but I will definitely get in touch!! Thanks Tim,
  5. Hi all, Just about to get my first trialler! I live in Salisbury so in the middle of three counties! If anyone knows of a local club or riding area please let me know!! Thanks
  6. Hi, Thanks for the info I'll see if I can check out the bike you mention I think I would prefer either one or the other rather than a combination of the two! I think i'll get a trials bike as they tend to be a bit cheaper - if I like it then I will stick with it, if not I can change to an enduro! Unfortunately I love motorbikes and would quite happily have a sports bike, tourer, mx bike, enduro, trials...the list goes on!!
  7. thanks pete, some good stuff there! i'll check it out
  8. Thanks Pete, I only wondered as I saw these guys heading off along a byway on trials bikes and it seemed like a bit more socialable than screaming along on an enduro bike - I'd like to explore at the same time as stopping for a play if somewhere acceptable turned up!
  9. Have done thanks, but didn't really answer my questions! just want to know the most suitable between 2 and 4 stroke as not ridden a 4 stroke trials bike and is their anyone riding around Salisbury? With reference to his article, I also MTB and am very respectful with regards to the countryside and take care to leave as I find it wherever possible, this would of course extend to trials and enduro! I should add that I go to great pains to ensure I am riding legally, I have no time for illegal riding!
  10. Hi, I used to race a bit of MX but been on the road for the past few years - I want to get back to off road as its much more fun! Thinking of either enduro or a trials bike (road legal) which I can scoot off across the many (legal) byways we have around here and mess about. So is there anyone who rides anywhere near here and can recommend places to me? I've seen a few groups of people heading off! I also am not sure on whether to go 2 or 4 stroke? How long would a fuel of tank last roughly? Any information greatly received! Thanks
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