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Trials Central Supporter

10.00 GBP/year
Trials Central is not a business. It is and always has been a hobby website. Unfortunately huge growth over the years comes with increased costs. If you find our site a useful resource then you can contribute to the ongoing support and development of all our web resources by upgrading your Trials Central Account to become a Supporter of the site. Benefits of becoming a Trials Central Supporter include:
Unlimited storage on our servers for photos, documents and personal messages. Unlimited number of Classified Adverts. Featured Classified Adverts making your Ads more prominent than free ones. Extended period for Classified Ads to run and the ability to renew them at no cost. No Google Ads on the TC forums. A cool badge to show you're supporting the site. Trials Central and our associated websites operate on a not-for-profit basis. All income is re-invested back into the sport in some form, be it the ongoing development of our sites, sponsorship, charitable donations or event coverage.


About Trials Central Supporter

Trials Central is not a business. It is and always has been a hobby website. Unfortunately huge growth over the years comes with increased costs. If you find our site a useful resource then you can contribute to the ongoing support and development of all our web resources by upgrading your Trials Central Account to become a Supporter of the site. Benefits of becoming a Trials Central Supporter include:

  • Unlimited storage on our servers for photos, documents and personal messages.
  • Unlimited number of Classified Adverts.
  • Featured Classified Adverts making your Ads more prominent than free ones.
  • Extended period for Classified Ads to run and the ability to renew them at no cost.
  • No Google Ads on the TC forums.
  • A cool badge to show you're supporting the site.

Trials Central and our associated websites operate on a not-for-profit basis. All income is re-invested back into the sport in some form, be it the ongoing development of our sites, sponsorship, charitable donations or event coverage.

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