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Where Is Trials The Most Fun?

mr clean

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So all of you guys that have ridden Trials in different parts of the world, whether world class or clubman etc.

Have you noticed a difference in the levels of enjoyment of the sport in different areas? Can Trials clubs be close by, as in Britian where there seem to be zillions of them, and can the riding experience be radically different from club to club?

When I grew up in a different part of Canada, the local trials club was a lot of fun. Then I ended up in the big city and found that while I like the local riding area, it was not as enjoyable as it used to be.

I have never been to Britian, but I suspect as a Trials rider it would be great to have lots of people to practice with and many clubs to choose to be involved with. Each weekend having a choice of events to go to.

I have a new job with a big US company, I used to work for them a long time ago. They were really happy that I came back, they said I was by far one of the very best employees they've ever had. They have asked me if I would be interested in being a manager at one of their US locations. I am tired of the Canadian mentality. I am seriously considering moving elsewhere and am looking into careers in the USA and overseas. I feel lukewarm at best to the local Trials scene. Perhaps I will end up somewhere that Trials is something that I would feel like actually being involved with again.

So, let's hear it! Where and why is it the most / least fun to be ride Trials, in your opinions!

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With statements like "the Canadian mentality" I'm sure you'll be welcomed with open arms anywhere you go! Not sure what the hell that is supposed to mean! You make your own happy place, and friends where ever you are. We live in one of the greatest countries in the world bar none! Sure hope you find what you're looking for, though I doubt a "fun trials club" is really it. I have belonged to many clubs over the years, here and south of the border, and always had fun!


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Dwayne - Poor choice of words, especially as you have obviously never lived in other Country's

Remember the grass always looks greener on the other side, and although the sport is different in each Country, it's the people who make the difference. - I am guessing that you do not like the CPTA ? but that is NOT Canada - A good proportion of Canadian Trials riders are from other Countries, particularly the UK, where the sport originated, and yes there are a lot of clubs and riders on this very small island. The riders become very good because of the competition, but make no mistake, they have no time for whiners.

Canada was built on immigrants who want to do something with their lives, the sport in Canada is small and I personally wish we could have events like back in Wales where I grew up. Observers at each section on a long loop etc, However, the very nature of the word club means joining a group so if you move to the States or elsewhere you need to evaluate yourself - you might not fit in anywhere, no matter what the lanuage.

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Yeah good luck with that Mr. Clean. I'm sure the States are way better. And don't forget, when they tell you that you are their best employee, it's just before you get gassed. Happily watching from the right side of the border, Dave.

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I've got to admit, I would love to live in Canada, and would be there now if I could land a networking job from afar. I think the "mentality" there is one of the best I've seen. Sort of upbeat British with an American accent (I think) :D .

I've only been to one trial there, but I couldn't have wished for a better atmosphere. Yeah, you don't have 120 riders and observers at every section, but you do have some great land and some great people, and plenty of beer at the end :beer:.

Favourite place to trial - not been there for a while, but where I grew up East Yorks - Scarborough, Richmond, Darlington, Middlesbrough, Guisborough (bet I've missed one - been too long).

Some brilliant land here in Mid-Wales too though.

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Cheers for that Gaz :D My point is that I would probably feel the same if I came over to ride with you too! I have literally ridden in almost every place in North America,( besides the TTC, this year!) and have to say that although there are subtle differences in the personalities, trials people on the whole are a constant in the formula!

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:) I have to agree w/ Steve , After a 30+ year hiatous , The general attitude of the trials folks is what makes this sport what it is , and imho what we all truly enjoy every time we swing a leg over our bikes at an

event or just a fun ride !!!...



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Not bad down under in West Aus, At least two trials a month sometimes three, 60 riders very little queing, majority are fully observed, no supp regs, results on the day, great social scene with regular two day camping events.............

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