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No more problems with spyware, viruses or any other nastiness ever again.

Plus it instantly makes you extremely cool and attractive. Honest!

You wanna see the attacks TC get - and sometimes successful :) My background is 18 years UNIX with a lot of Linux, but this security stuff is too much for me. If anyone knows a Linux security expert, pleas e have them get in touch.

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I was sent on an HP Secure OS training course a while ago. It's a totally mindbending Linux implementation where the OS is logically divided into multiple secure "compartments" and the only communication between compartments is via encrypted gateways. Oh and there's no "root" account as such - specific accounts are created to perform limited sets of specific tasks and are deleted once the system goes live. Apparently, Secure OS has never been successfully penetrated "all the way through" (from the "system outside" compartment to the "system inside" compartment). It was the kind of course where you can't remember a single thing you've learned just half an hour after walking out of the classroom :)

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Hmm, ok. So maybe I was a little over-enthusiastic with the "no spyware or viruses" thing. I forget that they do exist as I've never had to deal with any. Mind you, I've never had to deal with any on a Windows machine either, although I've had to think about it to keep them clean.

Server security is a pain in the neck. It's one of the reasons I stopped running my own web&mail server - the extra cost of paying someone else for hosting is well worth not having the hassle of admin duties. To be really good at security I think that has to be pretty much all you do.

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Cute, but been there. Doesn't deal very well with the combination of "A" version of Linux with "B" version of Apache with "C" version of PHP and "D" version of MySQL and multiple applications sitting on top.

Trials Central, for all its appearances, is a highly complex site with a lot of code accessing a lot of databases. For security reasons I should upgrade to MySQL 4, but the forums don't yet support MySQL 4. I should change options in the PHP configuration, but several components don't support those changes. I should change Apache settings, but some of the applications don't support those changes. If it was as easy as paying ten bucks for a month and finding all the answers I'd have paid ten times that months ago!

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Whoa slow down here.

Are we talking internet web site stuff or the programmable ignition mapping of the Montesa 4RT!! I'm having enough trouble understanding my 2000 sherco 2.9 2 stroke. I must be stuck in the dark ages when atari ruled the gaming universe.

Edited by ZIPPY
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