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Back Wheel Hopping

the addict

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With the hopping, do they(the pro's) still keep a finger on the frontbrake or do they let go of it?

I find it sooo difficult to be gentle on the throttle and keeping a finger up at the brake lever.

I`m by no means a good rider (crap infact!) but I personally feel real uncomfortable without a finger on both the clutch and brake! maybe it`s just a thing i`ve taken from BMX and MTB always had one finger on the brakes!

Oh yeah forgot too mention I can`t do this hoping anyway but just in general need my finger on the levers!

Edited by barrybaines
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Some do, some don't, Just look at the photos. It makes no diffrence when hopping on the back wheel. The clutch is more important than throttle control.Well it is with me but i have only just starting to get 4 or 5 hops in on a bank.Oh and your legs are important.

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