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Any News On The 2007 4rt

rapid roy

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Details on the 07's will be released to our UK Dealer network within the next few weeks.

Please contact your Local Dealer for further details. The 07 Repsol Replica is due into UK 3rd week of September. The Standard 07 Model is estimated for 2nd week in October. RRP's willalso be confirmed to our Dealers within the next couple of weeks.

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To clarify. The Repsols are last years Models (06) made into Team Replica Machines and Plated as Limited editions to run as a model availablefor the 07 season. The 05 bikes made into 06 Repsols and the 06 bikes therefore make 07 Repsols. The reason we call them 07 bikes is that when we notify DVLA of new models we will (as last year) include these as "new season " models so that they can be registered on "56" plates onwards. ("55"s for last years).

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To clarify. The Repsols are last years Models (06) made into Team Replica Machines and Plated as Limited editions to run as a model availablefor the 07 season. The 05 bikes made into 06 Repsols and the 06 bikes therefore make 07 Repsols. The reason we call them 07 bikes is that when we notify DVLA of new models we will (as last year) include these as "new season " models so that they can be registered on "56" plates onwards. ("55"s for last years).


So the 07 Repsol is basically a "standard" 06 bike with different clothes? And the same was true for 05/06? OK, so I guess the real question is are there any mods for 07 apart from the usual BNG (Bold New Graphics)?

Edited by neonsurge
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You got the throttle body & computer cable + software + a load of carbon bling on the 05 repsol which most folk considered good value for money over the standard bikes price, so my guess is that the 07 repsol model will be similar. What comes with the 07 model standard bike is what I want to know, will it be programmeable as standard??????

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2007 REPSOL should be a standard 2007 bike with extra kit not an old stock bike with decals, ali and carbon kit. Granted you get lots of goodies.

Montesa are missing the point. Lets have a up to date bike with swichable mapped throttle body, lots of carbon, ali brackets and foot rests. Sponsors decals, tricked wheels and with the option of a factory fitted 280 kit and charge a premium.

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Pictures and specs for the 2007 standard and repsol are on a rival spanish website.

Not a criticism, but I should point out that Todotrial are not considered a "rival" website to Trials Central. There's a lot of co-operation between myself and Horacio with me supplying them with photos from events they can't be at and vice versa.

I did get the press release from the French Montesa importer, but a) it was in French and I don't do French and B ) there have been problems before with early release of information. As a UK-based site, I'd rather deal with the UK importer and get the info from them in a lingo I can understand! :beer:

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