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Pheonix Mcc


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Well thanks too Pheonix mcc for a great trial today :beer: very nice bit of land and some great riders there today! took me a good lap and a half (out of 3!) too remember how too ride the Beta after the break (and playing on the new toy!)

Great day was had by myself and Kev and I was fortunate enough too keep up with some of the Expert riders very good too watch, and aspire too :rolleyes:

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It was a great trial. I really enjoied all those big trunks and the vertical hill (at section 7.. I think)

Have you got the results?


Thomas the Dane

Edited by Thomas_trial
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The result are in... and quit satisfactory :rolleyes:

If you haven't got them you can downloaded them from my homepage www.ring-carlsen.dk

Cheers :beer:


Edited by Thomas_trial
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  • 2 weeks later...

oh dear oh dear oh dear! :hl: I knew I rode crap but thats embarrising! ;)

Stop sobbing and keep those feet at the pegs next time :P

.. on the pegs, how is he supposed to give us action shots of his bike over his head when he rides feet up !!! :o Damn silly idea, ignore it Barry............ :o

I still think my advise is the best way to go... when we are at it... keep the hands on the handlebar!

Rumours runs fast around here. Sorry to hear about your accident Barry, hope your fingers will be okay.



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