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Fun little bike, I rode one for a while, and one thing I think needs to be changed is the frame, the single back bone doesn't allow the motor to sit high enough, look at the angle of the skid plate, it catches especially on big logs/boulder's where other bikes slide over on the skid plate, they hang up and throw you off balance.

It would be a sweet outfit using the new 250F frame, three models using three different frames, could one frame fit all ?

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My bashplate can catch me out occasionally, saying that the average Joe who the bike is aimed at won't spend a lot of time balanced precariosly on a 2m dropoff..... Since riding my 175 (around 3 months) I have found that my riding has improved, I put a lot more thourght into riding sections instead of letting the power do it all for me, and on 90% of the sections I find the bike performs aswell if not better than a lot of 250+ bikes in my grade. Slippery muddy areas are definatly where the bike excells and with a smoother managable power than the big boys it won't be inclined to spin. I think the average Joe would do well to spend a few seasons on the 125/175, learn throttle control etc: before deciding to progress to a bigger mount. A lot of riders skill level will not progress with a modern 250+ flattering their very limited ability....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for that Heath, wifes in the UK at the moment I wonder if she would notice the new muffler when she got back??????

Just got back from a trial, a couple of the riders from the grades lower than me had a go on the 175 and reakoned it was too gutless for them!!!!!!!!!!!! Why people want to spend $A 12000 on a 4rt just to ride around a car park beats me, oh well i'll have to go back to whooping 270's on my gutless 143cc :wacko:

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