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South Cumbria


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Hi everyone, new here so take it easy on me.

I did a couple of trials about 15yr ago on a borrowed Beamish, didnt do to well but enjoyed it and always promised myself I would do it again one day.

Well that day is here, i've got a TY175 had a little practise and ready to throw myself into it, but where and how do I start? Can anyone give me some help?

I've no idea about clubs, venues, prctise areas etc, the only think I do know is that I cant bunny hop or do any of the fancy tricks I see on DVD's and various videos.

The bike works well enough (seems a bit underpowerd) i've got the clothing and transport, whats my next step?

Thanks in advance,


PS in 43 if that makes any difference and just looking for a fun day out (thats not meant to sound like a singles advert)

Forgot to mention I live in South Cumbria and looking for trials in that area.

Edited by ScottT
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Join a club......i was in the same boat as you about 3 months ago. I went with Darwen Mcc as they have a beginers series. Lancs county mcc probably nearest to you not sure if they do beginers but lots of venues around kirkby lonsdale area. Bolton mcc also have beginers series.

Practise is a bit grim unless you know a friendly farmer/landowner (and if you do p.m please !!!!)...nearest legal venue back cowm quarry near rochdale. Bit of a drive but only a tenner for all day.

hope that helps

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Theres quite a few clubs around your way, youve got Barrow and District mcc, Bootle scrambles club, Westmorland motor club, Lakes grass track and as somebody else said lancs county mcc. All these clubs have multi class trials which arent too bad for a beginner. If you buy Trials and Motocross news they all advertise in the regs section. If you go on www.barrowanddistrictmcc.co.uk , im sure there is information on how to join that club, and dates of their trials, hope this helps.

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Thanks for the help. I went to the Barrow & District trial yesterday as a spectator, had a walk around watched a few sections and had a good chat with a few people, really enjoyed it and looking forward to having a go. I found out there is one at Bootle next week so i'll be entering that, then if im still in 1 piece the Barrow clubs one 2 weeks after.



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