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Beta Techno


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havig a few probs with it think its a 97 one itruns as though its missing then dies as if its petrol cleaned carb looks ok new plug now it run for all 10 seconds then dies then starts again then dies have looked under the seat and there is a sort of capacitoir thing and a small black box and a small square flat thing looks like a chip with 2 wires on it think it goes to the fan there is a few wires taped up gona look at them tomorow any ideas on cause of cutting out

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thanks for the quick reply have blowed out all the jets with airline put a clear bottel under the tap and ran it in to the bottel no crap in thereit seems like elictrical fault but might be carb does any one know how much another carb is or has any body got one to sell doing my head in had a cracking day out on it today then it played up 20 mins from the end new to trail bikes got a kawasaki 636 for the road if i hold the throttel open it picks up then drops then pics up as if its missing but im no expert on 2 stokes lol

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You might try running it with the gas cap off. There were some technos that had the little check ball in the gas cap stick. They would run a few minutes then starve. If your tank is very full, it might die quicker. Just a thought. BTW, the techno was the best bike of its time. Be patient, it will be worth it.

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