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East Yorks

the addict

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A big thank you from us lot to everybody who helped organise the event. Nice to see so many youth riders helping. We had three retirments that put a grey cloud over the weekend.

1: Old knee failed jumping water hole before we even got to the first section,he finished the day on 25 but had to drive home before it locked up for good.

2:Chain snapped on the sat and Ian was not going to chance another even name calling would not change his mind, (Girls blouse)

3: Dads Old right wrist failed due to over use over the years.

Great weekend, well organised every detail coverd.

Well done young Joe (Dads real son) he had a cracking ride.

There were at least 4 chains that snapped over the weekend that we now of. Anyone else had this prob over the last few weeks. 2 were brand new or any info.

Edited by Ralph
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Good stuff glad too hear you had a good time, Ralph you leave that poor bloke alone (Ian) pretty sure he`s the guy that found my finger for me :D

But i`m sure your lot especially Ralph would of made for an entertaining weekend with all that hoping and they flick turns :D

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Barry, I have made a sign today for the dishes pointing towards Ralph's corner, this is where most of the hopping takes place, nice grippy bank, me and Dad are mere aprentices to the master

There was a good tale from the pub from what I have heard? maybe he will share it with us on here? hoping Dad will be fit for Thursdays ride and Ralph can skive off work early as well

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Young BarryBaines you are right it was Ian who found your finger, he said there was still evidence of a manicore recently and some nose picking.


I can not talk about the the cupping of false boobs to see if they feel the same so will not go there.

Saturday was going to be Football, food and few pints.I made a pig of myself again with beer (bear). Bribbling by 10.00 had a stroke by 12.00 (Not the false ones) we left at 2.00ish i was suprised i found the van.

I was slightly fuzzy in the morning but had my super hero pants on and had to do my super man impression (him flying) to the others on the bikestand at the back of the vans and got cow sh#t on me belly.

Sunday was a struggle but ACE. No flicks or hopping it was hard enough to just to stay on the bike. James snapped a chain and we all had 20 marks on time. No clowning about well not much.

Ry had a 32 oz steak rare, i think it was they cut the horns of and wipped its ar#e and served it. It was masive.

Thats about it realy.

Must get the r2w troop to enter one next time and some of you can see the Mr Baines in the flesh and in those riding pants.

Great event again.

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Brilliant trial, sections spot on - even the 3 or 4 stinkers needed for an expert result - great thanks are due to all the clubs involved.

Any results spotted yet?

I need to see how late I was on Sunday - I've a reputation to keep you know...

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