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Wheres It Gone?

hop blip and a jump

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perhaps somebody stole it????????? :lol::thumbup::o:lol:

No. I went to delete your reply as it contained text talk which, as you know, is not allowed on the forums. I accidently deleted the entire topic instead.

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Andy Posted Today, 03:34 AM

QUOTE(hop blip and a jump @ Oct 16 2006, 09:52 PM)

perhaps somebody stole it?????????

No. I went to delete your reply as it contained text talk which, as you know, is not allowed on the forums. I accidently deleted the entire topic instead.


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Tks M8 4 ur rply u shphmpr, we no wt hpnd NOW! :lol:

Words like that is why I don`t like text talk! what the hell is that ment too say? plus unless you went too school over the last say 5 years or have a younger sibling then i`m sure it`s bloody hard work too decifer (well it is for me )

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My "Doh!" response was meant only as a reference to the television show that your avatar comes from. I was not inteding to hassle you about the deletion.

I also think that text talk is just laziness.

Andy Posted Yesterday, 02:43 PM Well if he hadn't posted bleedin' text-talk I'd have had no reason to go near the topic, would I...

You mean to say you don't spend all your free time reading what all us highly intelligent web users are posting. yep I actually typed that with a straight face.

EDIT: How do you get the quote(zippy@oct 17 ...... ) in the red part of the quote box?

Edited by ZIPPY
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At last Andy.......

Your deleting the post was maybe a subliminal action :chairfall:

Text talk was dragging down this site.

Andy if a bleathre wi a wee chanter wid that be wan o thon text banters? Wit if a parla amo glesga patter, is a text talk?

Yur a wee stoter o a prefect.

Ta the noo :blink:

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