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Posterior Cruciate Ligament


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hi guys, just found out i've got posterior ligament damage on my knee, going in for anthroscopy ,anyone had this and still ride? he's told me they don't usually do anything surgical to repair it, but that's not filling me with confidence, are my biking days over? any information from people who have had it done would be gratefully recieved , cheers mick.

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Your riding days are definately not over with this. I had it done to repair a rugby injury and not only am I still riding bikes, but I'm still playing rugby to a decent standard as well, and rugby is on the whole, a lot more punishing on the joints than riding a bike.. ( no arguments please unless from someone who still plays in the forwards AND rides bikes)

The only thing I would say is not to rush back into riding again. Wait until it is at least comfortable to run or go to the gym on, as any damage sustained during the healing process will set the recovery back a lot longer.

Also, you may find that it takes a while to get confidence back in the strenght of the joint, but one too many fives in a trial will help that along no end.

But don't worry, after the swelling and pain go away the joint should be as good as new.

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tore my anterior Cl (meant to be worse) about 20 yrs ago and still riding - one tip - keep the muscles built up - your physio will give you exercises - you will have to do them for the rest of your biking days, CLs dont repair themselves, if its a bad tear surgery does repair it but involves drilling holes in your knee joints and grafting tendons from your thigh - (too much detail?) but it can be done if needed, but you will have to push to get it.

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Going to comment on the lack of a decent standard of rugby in Ireland. But after the fantastic display on Saturday against my England hero's i'll keep my mouth shut. I did play in the forwards so i'm quallified to reply.

Did all my ligaments 2 years ago. Had surgery ( holes drilled through Knee and wires inserted) but i'm back riding. Not to a decent standard unfortunately but thats nowt to do with the knee :)

Stick in at physio and keep up the excercises the pain does eventually go

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i'm feeling a little better after that boys ,Thanks, my knee feels like it's gonna give way all the time does that feeling go ?plus it's aching like bloody 'ell ,mind you takes my mind off my dislocated clavicle. cheers boys , b-careful out there!. mick.

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just as an after thought , would knee braces stop this or any injuries to the knee if you were wearing them? Thanks for the link dfwilson (knee braces) was actually looking at them the week before i did it (typical or what) wished i'd put my hand in my pocket now ,just got to

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My wife knackered hers skiing last year and the doctors said the same thing - no repair possible. It all depends on the severity of the injury as to whether they will operate or not. Best to avoid surgery if possible.

I finally talked her in to joining a gym to try to build up her leg muscles to support her knee. Lots of work on the hamstring and leg press machine and she managed skiing this year without any problems. Apparently the hamstring compensates for the weak CL and stabilises the joint.

If you search the Internet on Google you'll find lots of rehabilitation exercises. Good luck and hope you get better soon.

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Your riding days are definately not over with this. I had it done to repair a rugby injury and not only am I still riding bikes, but I'm still playing rugby to a decent standard as well, and rugby is on the whole, a lot more punishing on the joints than riding a bike.. ( no arguments please unless from someone who still plays in the forwards AND rides bikes)

As a long suffering front row I'd have to agree, except for one situation.

I've nearly crippled myself giving my Sherco 290 a half hearted (or tired) kick. The damn thing kicks back and tries to get my knee over my shoulder going through the handlebar on the way.

It's happened that many times now I half laugh half cry when it happens :)

I swear it's trying to put me out of my misery sometimes.

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Tore the pcl in my left knee about 16 years ago. I wore a knee brace for about 3 years until I lost it one day {always put your gear away before driving away} Now I just wear neopreme sleeves. The most trouble I have is walking the sections not riding.

Good Luck, put maximum effort into your rehab it will really make a difference. :):D

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All this being said, chances are the Doctor is not going to do much anyway except cause you more discomfort. Let it heal as best possible and get some braces. Then do the workouts.

If it is THAT bad, meaning unstable, that you cannot reliably walk on it , then go the long route and get it fixed properly. This is only neccessary in extreme cases.

A 50/50 mix of rum and coke helps in the meanwhile!

Riders ,wear your braces! Cheap insurance!

Cheers! :)

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I forgot about braces.... Get the good ones with the solid support on the inside and outside, as the neoprene ones are really little more than a warming aid......

Oh, and I was being gracious about the rugby but what the hell, Ireland were great!!!!! oh happy days!!!! ;):D:) Triple crown here we come ( assuming we don't balls it up against the scots again...)

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cheers for the advice guys ,the knees getting a little better but far from convincing ,my doctors got me in with a sports physio tomorrow so i'll see what they have to say .definitely gonna get some braces before i ride the BEAST again ! .......... and some for the bike too :)

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