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Had a Honda CG125 when 17. The base gasket started to leak so I order a new one from the local Honda dealer and was told it would take a week to arrive. I couldn't wait a week as I used the bike for work and that weekend as I flicked through the TV channels (there was only 4) wondering what I

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Surprised to find Just with a spare set already! Which brings us to another topic!

If you carry spares in your kit, you will never need them! It is only the things you Do Not have that will break, bend or fall off in a trial!


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During practice week at the Isle of Man, I told the pit crew that I was going to do one lap on the 600 then come in and do two on the 750.

At the end of the first lap, I forgot which way around I was going to do it and stayed out for another lap on the 600.... which, ofcourse only had enough fuel to get half way around the next 37.73 mile lap..... durrrrrr!

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Thought i would do an oil change on the car, drained the oil, removed the oil filter, replaced the drain plug and filled her up with with nice new expensive oil..... FORGOT to put the new oil filter on.. Oil everywhere, what should have been a 10 minute job turned in to 2 hours after cleaning all the oil up and jet washing the whole drive <_<

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copemech Posted Yesterday, 11:02 PM

If you carry spares in your kit, you will never need them! It is only the things you Do Not have that will break, bend or fall off in a trial!

So true,

I rode my first US national in Ohio just this past June, on the first day just before entering section 4 (there were 12 sections and a semi-lengthy loop) a small tree that was just the right height to catch on my shift lever did just that. The tree fit between the shift lever and the engine as I was pulling forward, thus bending the shift lever about 170 degrees and then snapping it off. :wub: AH!! but I was smart and brought a spare, but I was stupid and the spare was back in the pits. I was stuck in second gear for the rest of the loop. Second worked great in the sections but was very slow on the trail. I got passed a few times too.

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When i was a teenager i had a YZ125 monoshock. We knew nought about monoshocks so being nosey me and my mate took the shock off the bike and decided to unscrew the pressurised container thing with the oil in it . If you have ever been stupid enough to do this you'll know what happened.

It was like striking oil in your own hut!

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Riding a trial and doing pretty well I got on the last loop and was nearly out of petrol with only 3 sections to ride. If I went clean on the last sections I was confident of a win. I didn't want to risk running out of petrol so switched it to reserve. Rode into the section and coming to the last part of the section, which was up a bank in a stream, I got half way and it cuts out! I slide back ass first into the stream with the bike on top of me. Well miffed at the bike cutting out I drag the bike out the section and start ranting at the bike. Another rider comes over and after I explained what had happened he points out that I had actually been riding the bike on reserve from the start of the trial and when I thought I was turning it to reserve, I actually turned it off :wub:

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