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Power Band


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noob kicking around trials sites trying to get a feel for things. I'm curious, if specific to trials riding, there is one reason or another if you would want smooth power or light switch power. Or is it just like trail riding and dependent on rider style and preference.

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Style does come into the equation but I would say skill level is the biggest factor, if you have a 2m undercut rock step and zero run up you need some pretty instantanious zap to overcome it. If you are a mere mortal doing figure of eights on a sandy hill side having a zappy motor will get you in the poo pretty quickly. Most riders of limited ability would do well to go for a 200cc motor or below my preference being the 175 scorpa then once happy with throttle control/balance/body language and basic hopping move up to a big boys bike. A lot of riders seem to stagnate on thier modern 250/270's because for their grade the bike does most of the work for them. Riders should have a go at downsizing or riding a twinshock for a few trials and if they still finish high up in their respective grade then its time to decide if you want to go up a grade or rest on your larels and stay where you are......

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noob kicking around trials sites trying to get a feel for things. I'm curious, if specific to trials riding, there is one reason or another if you would want smooth power or light switch power. Or is it just like trail riding and dependent on rider style and preference.

Do you mean the red or the blue power band :thumbup: ? Nah, Austini pretty much hit it on the nail. For most mortals a gradual power band is more desirable. BTW if and when you get to take a modern trials bike for a ride be warned, they may seem like pussy cats but they can bite.

Edited by TooFastTim
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