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Who in the "F" decided that Guatemala should have a world round instead of the United States of America?

With qualified and proven trials venues in America that have had incredibly positive reponse from the riders, someone decided that Guatemala should have a world round. That's about as smart as Jamaica holding a winter olympics. Hey, at least Jamaica has a bobsled team.

Somebody tell me who or what trials is happening in Guatemala.

What the hell do you think is going to happen when I get kicked out of a third world county venue? I'll never see America again... Oh wait, I get it now, nevermind. Now you're going to tell me that Ahlers headed the committe to have it placed there just for one year. :wall::wall::wall:

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Who in the "F" decided that Guatemala should have a world round instead of the United States of America?

With qualified and proven trials venues in America that have had incredibly positive reponse from the riders, someone decided that Guatemala should have a world round. That's about as smart as Jamaica holding a winter olympics. Hey, at least Jamaica has a bobsled team.

Somebody tell me who or what trials is happening in Guatemala.

What the hell do you think is going to happen when I get kicked out of a third world county venue? I'll never see America again... Oh wait, I get it now, nevermind. Now you're going to tell me that Ahlers headed the committe to have it placed there just for one year. :wall::wall::wall:

Two words ''Octagon Esedos'' :lol: They have taken over the outdoor trials callender :wall:

Edited by GIZZA5
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Two words ''Octagon Esedos'' :wall: They have taken over the outdoor trials callender :wall:

The day that the muppets known as Octagon take over the outdoor is the day I quit Trials!

Ringo - in answer to your question, I really don't know. I *think* it's because the manufacturers see South America as an untapped market, but then I'm the muppet that gave the Beav his own forum so I'm obviously insane :wall:

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Hey Cota Kiddie,

When you're done with your milk and cookies, taking out the trash for mommy, and finished your mother goose nightly read, look up how many trials motorcycles are sold in the USA vrs. Guatemala? Then, before you decide to get all up in my nuts about whether or not its a foregone issue that the most powerful nation in the WORLD should or should not have a WORLD ROUND each year, just remember that you had better be ready to put down your squirt gun and superman outfit and crawl into mommy's bed cuz I'm going to come at you so hard that you'll have nightmares about your bublegum sealing your braces so bad that you can't talk and not even mommy's nightly rendition of 'rock a bye baby' will put you at ease. :wall:

but then I'm the muppet that gave the Beav his own forum so I'm obviously insane :wall:

Andy my Brutha! You must relaize that your insanity was a stroke of genious in that you've not only cleaned up a lot of trash in the other forums but you've also brought back some of what 80% of the people that read this forum look for and that's the internet bashing/b.s.ing.

Now about your "trials riding" comment....how's that working out for you? :wall:

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Hey Cota Kiddie,

When you're done with your milk and cookies, taking out the trash for mommy, and finished your mother goose nightly read, look up how many trials motorcycles are sold in the USA vrs. Guatemala? Then, before you decide to get all up in my nuts about whether or not its a foregone issue that the most powerful nation in the WORLD should or should not have a WORLD ROUND each year, just remember that you had better be ready to put down your squirt gun and superman outfit and crawl into mommy's bed cuz I'm going to come at you so hard that you'll have nightmares about your bublegum sealing your braces so bad that you can't talk and not even mommy's nightly rendition of 'rock a bye baby' will put you at ease. :crying:

Wow, you have such a way with words.

I really don't think abuse and threats (with serious intentions or not) are appropriate. If you're not able to debate your point without resorting to such things then it's clear how much weight your argument carries!

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I guess Dan didn't get the memo on sarcasm and internet bench racing. Uh, Dan welcome to my world in which my arguements never carried any weight to begin with.

Thank you, DAD, for letting me what you think is appropriate. I didn't think your wife was appropriate last night, nonethess I didn't let that ruin a good time.

Geez, Sorry Andy, I'll go back to America where we've been able to remove the guys with the sticks in their arses.

I'm still thinking Cota Kid has the nuts to respond for himself. He's earned a few points in the past.

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Dan, chill dude, it took Ringo weeks to snip all those photo's out of the girly mags, he's about as aggressive as a hamster on prozac, I did see him fall over before, but on his way down he tried in vain to avoid falling on all the onlookers sat p***ing themselves at him falling over.

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Hey Cota Kiddie,

When you're done with your milk and cookies, taking out the trash for mommy, and finished your mother goose nightly read, look up how many trials motorcycles are sold in the USA vrs. Guatemala? Then, before you decide to get all up in my nuts about whether or not its a foregone issue that the most powerful nation in the WORLD should or should not have a WORLD ROUND each year, just remember that you had better be ready to put down your squirt gun and superman outfit and crawl into mommy's bed cuz I'm going to come at you so hard that you'll have nightmares about your bublegum sealing your braces so bad that you can't talk and not even mommy's nightly rendition of 'rock a bye baby' will put you at ease. :wall:

I've heard they had too much trouble last time at the border ;-)

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Looks like i've rattled Rambo's cage,

Was it you who once disgraced himself in the press meeting at an American WTC and had to put an apology on TC? Or am I thinking of someone else.

When the GB doesn't get a World Round I jump on a plane and go find one. Mind you being an American you won't go anywhere without a Burger King on every corner and street lighting. Alternatively you could form your own World Trials Series, with only americans taking part, at least you'll get to have a World Champion.

Other points of note:-

America stopped being the must powerful nation in 1783.

Pete Best was a better drummer than you.

My Mom doesn't read me bed time stories anymore. Would one of your many girlfriends like to?

God Bless America,

Walt Disney, Elvis, Colonel Sanders, New Kids on the Block, Coca Cola, Hershey Bars, Conspiracy Theories, Area 51 and the Muppets.

Edited by Cota Kid
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How many Factory teams does anyone seriously think will turn up in Guatemala? Gas Gas haven't a pot to p*** in & the rest of them aren't much better. It'll go down a bit like the Guernsey World Round, nice idea but how the **** do we get there.

Was it Central or South America where all the top lads all went & rode in the 70's? It was where Rob Edwards caught his near life taking virus?

Alternatively you could form your own World Trials Series, with only americans taking part, at least you'll get to have a World Champion.

I suggested that ages ago, World Series Trials, a class for every one so there's loads of American World Champeens.

Edited by PERCE
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Guernsey, drive to Weymouth catch ferry. Dead easy!

Still haven't found a good reason why Guatemala shouldn't host a WTC. Remember that tiny island in the Indian Ocean?

Its classed as a World Trials Championship not European or North American.

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