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Beta 4-stroke


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I knew that you couldnt resist the four stroke shine K.!! My one question is this tho (and i may ave missed it in the record postings and it aint a critisim[sp]) and this is a fundamentaly basic kiddie question.......if the new Beta is and rides like a two stroke....then ..erm...why ?? Why the difference,answers on a postcard please <_<

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My one question is this tho and this is a fundamentaly basic kiddie question.......if the new Beta is and rides like a two stroke....then ..erm...why ??

a) Because I love Beta's, nothing else will do...

B ) Because it's new

c) It looks luvverly

d) I've never had a 4 stroke

e) It sounds good

f) and finally, coz it's my money <_<

Edited by Kinell
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I saw a man today looking lost at addingham moorside, on a Rev 4t, could this be 'kin ell ? Then I saw the reg plate on the van and my suspicions were confirmed.

bike looks just as good as in the photos mate

Edited by Baldilocks
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So how was it?

Any problems starting when hot?

Any cough when cracking open the throttle?

Is it in the front room now?

It's brilliant and I love it :dunce: I admit that I took a bit of a gamble by ordering one of the first batch without even seeing or hearing one in action but I'm now very glad that I did.

It will take a couple more outings to get used to it proper but so far, so good. Very impressed with the way it felt so planted and stable - so easy to ride which makes you feel confident on it straight away. The engine braking is there but it isn't harsh, doesn't free wheel as easy as a 2 stroke does if you know what I mean.

It started first kick from cold this morning with no throttle, knocked the choke off straightaway as per Griffo's advice and the bike ran perfectly all day. I stalled it a few times and it fired up first/second kick every time - didn't need to use the 'hot start' lever either. I think the stalling was due to me not being used to a 4 banger along with the engine being tight and the tickover set too low. Upped the tickover slightly and that seemed to cure it. It's had 5 hours running time now so another 5 or 10 should have everything bedded in nice and gentle. I will then fit the speedo and see what it's like down the road.

No cough from tickover at all. In fact, I had it parked up and running for half an hour the other night and the revs picked up instantly when I cracked the throttle open.

Sharing the same frame and running gear as the Rev-3 makes the change easier for me. The engine allows you to just chug along as slow as you like. However, open it up a bit and there's plenty of oomph for your money. A mate of mine said the power delivery comes on stonger than his 280 GasGas.

It's in the garage now, all washed off, greased up and ready to go again :D


It grips like **** too :banana2:

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all this talk of the patter of tiny valves gets me all broody,

i would love a new baby but the wife says she is barron,and if i get one off someone else she will leave me

have to stick with the monty for a couple of years,never mind,my mate picks his up tommorow so i can be its godfather.

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I rode in the Vale of Evesham today, there were a few Rev4's in attendance including Steve Saunders and Steve Workman but interestingly a B route clubman on one.

The B route rider had a few stalls. In fact.... Five in the first five sections that I saw alone!

I wonder if this is a common problem when they are new? Or maybe just a common problem?

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