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What's Up With Dougie?


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Just wondering what's going on with Dougie in the past few weeks. After a strong start to the indoor season and his total domination at Sheffield, it's as though he's just lost interest. After five years virtually unchallenged at the top of the sport both indoor and outdoor, has Raga's continuing ascendancy started to affect Dougie's usually impenetrable mental defences? It looks like more than just a dip in form...

Here's hoping that he's written off the indoor series and is just looking forward to the outdoors... I'm not so sure. Are 7 world chamionships enough?

I'm a huge Dougie fan and I'm NOT writing him off, but if the commitment's gone I'd rather see him retire than slip into mediocrity.

C'mon Dougie, get it together lad!

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Once Raga, hit form he didn't look back in the indoors, even in 97 Doug said some riders go for it more than me, and he said he rode then with a bit more caution than others.

I think once the realism that Raga, had it sewn up, it would be foolish to go all out and risk injury.

All credit to Raga on his 2nd world indoor championship, but the real trials start soon and we will see if his form carries over to the outdoors, plus Frexia and Fuji, aren't going to lie down and hand it to him either, should be a great year with any of the names mentioned in with a shot at the world championship, I still have plenty of confidence in our man Doug, to put the best rider of all time question to bed once and for all.

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The Raga IWTC win has set up a really interesting Outdoor WTC for '04.

We were probably robbed of the same show-down in '03 due to the dummy incident. Once he was riding and scoring again, Raga knew the WTC was lost for '03. This year it will be different.

And its not only Raga who will be on a high, Fuji will have gained some psychological advantage to - he's beaten DL in a Championship at last ! Trouble is he only filled his perpetual 2nd place. But that's from nowhere and consistent non-qualification in the '03 Indoors.

I very much doubt if its going to be a boring season, one things for sure one of these three will win the title. In fact they'll all be on the final podium.

For what its worth, my money would also be on DL being on the top step.


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I thing the Gas Gas is much more suited to the indoors than the Cota. Will be interesting to see how it pans out over the season though.

When Tarres went off the boil he did it pretty quickly. It must be VERY hard to adjust to not winning.

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When Tarres went off the boil he did it pretty quickly. It must be VERY hard to adjust to not winning.

I agree, It cannot be easy for him, he has some very strong competition now, and cannot simply walk it though as he did the last few years, he must work over time in order to win.

Is there light at the end of the tunnel for Lampkins trials rain? I hate to think so, although he has to work hard, and I hope it pays off.

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I've just downloaded and watched Andys World Exclusive of Dougie and how brilliant it is it and a well chosen piece of music to really set the atmosphere. I noticed that at the end it says Nicola shortly to be family so HRC2002 the light at the end of the Lampkin tunnel could run to the next generation. In response to the above I think Doug's got another title left in him but it is going to be the hardest one he would have won.

Good Luck Doug!

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I've just downloaded and watched Andys World Exclusive of Dougie and how brilliant it is it and a well chosen piece of music to really set the atmosphere.  I noticed that at the end it says Nicola shortly to be family so HRC2002 the light at the end of the Lampkin tunnel could run to the next generation. In response to the above I think Doug's got another title left in him but it is going to be the hardest one he would have won.

I have to say - the video is an exact replica of the one sent to me - including the music. All I've done is convert it to Flash. The credit lies with Jake and whoever the original photographers were.

I was kinda peeved when I first saw it because that was the music I had in mind for the one I did of the Scott!

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Doug isn't looking as comfortable with the indoors this year, he's not as suited to them as raga, but i don't think anyone will be good enough to take the championship away from doug outdoors, he's got the mentality, probably even more determination to win his 8th crown. I think that alone is enough to give him the edge. Raga tends to spit the dummy, shake the pram and throw teddy out if it's not going his way, he's not thinking like a world champ yet, although his time will come.

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Thanks to Jake Miller and Andy and everyone else for that GREAT slide show of Dougie.

AND lets not forget..to be at the top of any sport is almost impossible for us normal folk to imagine how hard that is. AND to stay there is even harder still. I'm certain Dougie CAN stay at the top...good luck Dougie for the outdoor!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just to close the loop on this one, I admit that my first post seems kinda silly now and I'm convinced that as far as the indoor series went, Dougie had a couple of bad results, realised that he'd have to take a lot of risks to beat Raga and decided to just ride the remaining events steadily to avoid the possibility of any injuries that might compromise his assault on the "real" championship.

My totally non-expert opinion: Raga is without doubt the most technically gifted rider in the world today, but he's not a complete rider in the sense that he doesn't seem to be able cope with mud, wet/dry sections and generally inclement weather as well as Dougie and Fuji. Maybe it's just experience and it's clear that Raga's time will come, I just don't think it'll be this (or maybe even next) year.

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Hi all,

My take at the moment on it all.............:-

1. Doug knows Raga is technically better these days.

2. Doug has the measure of Raga (and anyone else for that matter) where it counts....the Outdoor Championship.

3. Doug is realistic and knew somewhere into the '04 Indoor season, if not before, that he wouldn;t be lifting both trophies. He put his effort into preparation of the Outdoor.

4. Doug's dad is right.....Doug has the best head on any trials rider ever!

5. Raga and his team don't quite get it yet......to beat the Yorkshireman fo rthe Outddor trpht in '04 will require a a much more concentrated effort off-season at outdoor stuff...especially the wet. Sacrifice the Indoor Champs maybe? Is Raga still too young in his own head.

6. Fujinami is still up there beating Raga, the odd win, partly due to having Doug as a team mate. The team philosophy being built around Doug.

7. Either all the above or Raga and co. just had a bad day whilst Doug had a good 'un.


Edited by IanJ
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