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Where To See And Event?


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If I could make a trip to London, where or who would I need to contact to see any local trials events?

Where is the main motorcycle trials area in England? Are local event held every weekend?

I would love to visit Sammy Miller's shop!

I have no set date for a trip.

Thanks, :D

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miller's is located in south hampshire about 60 mile's from london,he has a little museum there aswell. sammymiller.co.uk

as for local event's im sure someone else on here will be able to help you out there.

Edited by bilco
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there are dozens of trials on every weekend across the UK, at a rough guess at least half a dozen "near" london

all depends upon what level of ridding and/or bikes you want to see (eg nationals, local championships, sidecars, twinshock, classic, etc) - and transport (i aussme you'll hire a car, although a handful of places are just reachable by public tranpsort )

shops wise, again there a hundreds of shops in the UK (the population is twice that of california), depends on how far you want to travel

for the south of london (kent, sussex, surrey and south london) area check out this website - http://www.trialsinfo.com/ , there must be 25 or so trials clubs in our area alone, with at least one if not two trials every weekend

for the nroth east of london (ie essex) have a look at http://www.easternacu.info/

i haven't got any link for west and north london really although there are pleanty of clubs

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