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Global Warming: Good For Trials?


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Donning my flamesuit! I was watching Transworld sport yesterday and it seems that global warming is likely to close some ski resorts situated at lower altitudes, indeed two resorts in Scotland are up for sale. So will we benefit from these closures? Ski resorts usually make for really good terrain and there's not much else you can do with them except declare them nature reserves.

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there's not much else you can do with them except declare them nature reserves.

Which is exactly what'll happen. Either that or they'll become national parks in which case every weekend busloads of pensioners will arrive complaining loudly about the lack of toilet facilities, the price of a cup of tea and how funny the countryside smells before buggering off back from whence they came leaving twenty tons of rubbish blowing around. Then in the evenings the local scumbags will dump and torch an endless procession of stolen cars while retards in clapped-out Transits disgorge mouldy old sofas and matresses into the undergrowth.

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The UK doesn't have many ski resorts, which is for sale TT, it could be a chance to buy some top class trials terrain, as a group of people, a ski resort with facilities could earn enough in practice and event fees to offset the expenses and land tax?

Where did you see it was forsale Tim, and any mention of cost?

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Perfect facility for WR trials, if it's too spendy to purchase at least the owners need approaching about summer use and other forms of income.

Donner is in the same boat, and Ski resorts around mount hood, near me, have 180" snow base at this time of year, still they have many things going in the summer, ski bowl just up the road does mountain biking, alpine slide two concrete half pipe type deals that run down the mountain and you ride a little toboggan on wheels down, go carts , horse riding, bungee jumping the works to get the $$ in.

Edited by ishy
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Its too unlikely to say anything. Think of this in their shoes (or ski's), you buy the skis, you train, you go to places like Scotland to ski...maybe once in 6 months?

Us, we buy the bikes, we practice anywhere that is ridable, and compete in any club we like...and we think we have it bad.

How p***ed off would you be if suddenly, Yorkshire, Derbyshire, etc suddendly was overcome with minus tempretures and then all the clubs turned into ski resorts?

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Where did you see it was forsale Tim, and any mention of cost?

That's what they said on Transworld sport Ish. Can't think anybody would want to buy a lame duck unless there's the remote possiblity that they might be able to make some profit.

Diversification's the name of the game and you chaps in Scotland ("land o' the brave") have or will have (when the land's picked up by a budding entrepeneur for a steal) a golden opportunity.

BTW ta for the link Andy.

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You have to diversify Hrc, the resorts round here have plenty of snow, and still see it they have to run summer activities to offset the cost of running the ski resort in lean snow years, the other option is to close the resort and have no ski-ing

It might be viable if you could pick it up and plonk it down in the middle of Yorkshire!

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You have a picture of it Andy, when we stopped to water the flowers, you took a pic, it's also on your ssdt video.

Not that anyone would run trials bikes up a chairlift area anyway :lol:

What will happen to it! the lodge will become a pub or restraunt, the land will end up being cragratville and anything other than Hiking boots will be banned.

It's 495 acre, of useless farm land so no farmer would buy it, if it lost 500 grand per year for the past two years not many will touch the ski side of it, so the parking lot and the buildings will be used and the lifts sold for scrap, the rest will be for looking at only.

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The trouble with us Brits is we don't take risks (generally). We play it safe, don't overstep the mark, and retire with enough to keep us in a game of dominoes twice a week (No offence to the championship domino players amongst us, but we can't all hit the big time).

The ones that will take a bit of a risk bugger off somewhere that embraces the entrepeneurial spirit (or at least somewhere that doesn't tax you to death for having a go).

Instead of evolving, we try to put everything back how it was 100 years ago, concentrating on our heritage and tradition. Sure there's a place for some of that, but some things in the world have got to move on.

Even Wales is embracing the modern era - Only this week our local Austin Allegro dealer announced sweeping changes with a brand new fax machine. If they can do it, we all can.

We're just not adventurous enough.......now where's my pipe and slippers, Coronation Street's coming on.

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The trouble with us Brits is we don't take risks (generally). We play it safe, don't overstep the mark, and retire with enough to keep us in a game of dominoes twice a week (No offence to the championship domino players amongst us, but we can't all hit the big time).

The ones that will take a bit of a risk bugger off somewhere that embraces the entrepeneurial spirit (or at least somewhere that doesn't tax you to death for having a go).

Instead of evolving, we try to put everything back how it was 100 years ago, concentrating on our heritage and tradition. Sure there's a place for some of that, but some things in the world have got to move on.

Even Wales is embracing the modern era - Only this week our local Austin Allegro dealer announced sweeping changes with a brand new fax machine. If they can do it, we all can.

We're just not adventurous enough.......now where's my pipe and slippers, Coronation Street's coming on.

Oswestry, now theres a place to take risks! :lol:

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