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The needle is set correctly when it runs the cleanest !!

Start with it on middle groove and try different settings.

Pilot - 1 1/2 turns out is always a good starting point. But is only a starting point.

Let the bike idle and open the throttle very slightly so the revs just pick up and then shut the throttle. Keep adjusting the pilot until you get the 'cleanest' pick up and a nice even tick over. (I actually prefer it ever so slightly rich)

A very Rough guide guide to what does what in the carb,

throttle 0 to 1/4 open running on needle jet.

1/4 to 3/4 - needle

3/4 to main - main jet.

It's impossible to give a correct setting as every bike is different.

Remember settings can change day by day with the weather and location.

Do some research on line, it can make a huge difference if you get the bike set up well.

Good luck.

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