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315 Tickover Problems....have Tried The Usuals...


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I've just been out on (at last) on the bike today - generally really impressed....smooth off the bottom...only problem is the tickover...

the bike will idle for a few seconds - then gets a bit lumpy and dies...

If you turn the tickover up - so it's revving a little high.....it still idles for a few seconds...a little longer....then dies again?

I'd had the carb off the night before - cleaned it all out......as the bike runs fine during the rest of the throttle response I'm guessing it can't be a jetting / air-fuel screw issue.....

so I'm stumped...

Anybody shed any light on this one...?


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T2R, please explain what you mean by "tickover". That must be a term exclusive to the UK. I've never heard anyone here in Sodom and Gamora use it. I may be able to help you as I had a lot of problems with mine (a 2000), but have it running great right now. I drilled my pilot jet a little larger and also thought my carb was clean. Next time you have your carb apart blow it dry, mine looked a lot cleaner than it was when it was wet. I blew it dry and found that it was much dirtier than I thought. I'm still glad I drilled the pilot.

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  • 2 weeks later...

okay....further to my last post on the pain and suffering of a non-idle friendly 315...

So far:

New Plug

Cleaned out carb (4 times!)

New carb o-ring set

Checked for air leaks

adjusted air/fuel screw

New air filter

Checked throttle cable

Checked for exhaust blockages

Checked petcock filter and fuel line filter....

I'm fresh out of ideas......

Anybody shed any light before all of my hair falls out....or is pulled...whichever comes first..!!

Throttle response is good off the bottom....doesn't bog down at all.....it just won't idle....

You can set the idle too high...it will run for a fast for a few seconds...then, gradually slow right down and die....

Any other suggestions..!!


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I wondered if you had **** in the inlet at the back of the carb where the airbox fixes on, if this is blocked it wont tick over. I suggest you write down all you jet sizes / needle positon & then with carb in hand ring Geoff at Sandifords, he's going to able to confirm what you've got is of suitable size.

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You may have a problem with air leakage through the ignition side crank seal (the clutch side would be smoky) if you can spray chain lube on the seal (and let it dry) if it cures the problem for a short while you have found the source of the problem. ( the grease plugs the leak for a while)

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You can set the idle too high...it will run for a fast for a few seconds...then, gradually slow right down and die....

According to that your bike is running very lean on the pilot jet.

You say you have adjusted the air/fuel screw? - which is it, air or fuel? can't be both. I think if it's on the rear of the carb it'll be air - you will need to turn the screw in to richen the mix. If it's on the front of the carb it'll be fuel -turn it out.

All that said you need to make sure you have cleaned the pilot jet and tracks properly. (take the jet out and hold it up, can you see through it ok? If blocked I sometimes snip a piece of wire from from a wire brush and gently poke it through the jet. Check the inlet manifold for leaks (perrished rubber etc...)

Can you swap carbs with a friend to try?

If it's not carb then ..... we'll think about that if we have to !!!

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Hey Guys:

Thanks for the advice:

The ignition side seal/gasket is fine - no problems/perishing at all.

I've had all the carb jets out, blown the tracks out, blown the jets out, made sure they're clear with a small piece of wire etc...

The only external screws for adjusting on the Delorto are the idle and idle air screw I thought?

It's the air screw which I've played with - adjusting to the recommended point (1 3/4 turns out)...this seems to be the norm for a 2004 from what I understand....

If I adjust the fuel screw out further - I'm guessing it will become leaner.....?...I've tried turning it in more but the throttle response then seems to bog down when you open it up?

Could the needle height have anything to do with it?

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