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Have I Missed Something-acu Sport Moto Magazine?


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Have I missed something or do we now not have a World Champion Trials Rider?

I have just received the winter (2006) edition of the ACU magazine and to my surprise and many others I might add there is no mention of Alexz and or Sam and there outstanding achievement this year. Now I may be being somewhat biased as both come from my centre and I may be doing the ACU an injustice here as they may well have a plan to do a full double page spread on Alexz and Sam in the next issue. Whilst I fully support the ACU I do feel somewhat aggrieved when they fail to acknowledge such achievement. I could say more to which I might incriminate myself so for now will leave it at that.

Rant Over

Edited by Tone
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i agree i was looking through the pages thinking to see a couple of pages on our most successful in 2006 riders (alexz and sam) and.........nothing i cannot belive this in how we have a WORLD champion and british expert champion in his first year in adults. personly i think the acu really need to look at what talent we have and SUPPORT them. i think if they were spainish it would be very different

thank you

ps well done alexz and sam :thumbup:

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i agree i was looking through the pages thinking to see a couple of pages on our most successful in 2006 riders (alexz and sam) and.........nothing i cannot belive this in how we have a WORLD champion and british expert champion in his first year in adults. personly i think the acu really need to look at what talent we have and SUPPORT them. i think if they were spainish it would be very different

thank you

ps well done alexz and sam :thumbup:

I agree.

Well done Alexz and Sam

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if we had a british rider who rode motorcross who won the world championship it would be a totally different story, trials isn`t as much bothered about or talked about so it doesn`t get as much say so they only put the apsolute bare minimum in i does think

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ACU arent really bothered about trials as we are a minority sport with little income for the ACU, so they arent going to put a lot of effort into our sport, its a shame they dont put the same resources as the spanish do.

as for TMX it should be called motox news as it tends to have much more articles on this

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oh FFS you bunch of whinging tarts

for a start MX has only got a few world championship - only two real important one (MX1 and MX2), and it being such a big sport (like everywhere) means that actually having a world champion (was Jamie Dobb back in 2001 in the then 125cc class) is a real big deal. If i understand the world of trials correctly its really popular in just the UK and Spain, and very minority sports in several other countries.....

but the real point is that the ACU magazine is shockingly just like your own club magazines, its only as good as the stuff written by volunteers and sent in to be published. So if no one has written anything then it isn't going to get put in!

*rant over*

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oh FFS you bunch of whinging tarts

for a start MX has only got a few world championship - only two real important one (MX1 and MX2), and it being such a big sport (like everywhere) means that actually having a world champion (was Jamie Dobb back in 2001 in the then 125cc class) is a real big deal. If i understand the world of trials correctly its really popular in just the UK and Spain, and very minority sports in several other countries.....

but the real point is that the ACU magazine is shockingly just like your own club magazines, its only as good as the stuff written by volunteers and sent in to be published. So if no one has written anything then it isn't going to get put in!

*rant over*

Are you saying that the Editor or the ACU magazine is unable to produce any kind of copy from their own initiative?

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oh FFS you bunch of whinging tarts

for a start MX has only got a few world championship - only two real important one (MX1 and MX2), and it being such a big sport (like everywhere) means that actually having a world champion (was Jamie Dobb back in 2001 in the then 125cc class) is a real big deal. If i understand the world of trials correctly its really popular in just the UK and Spain, and very minority sports in several other countries.....

but the real point is that the ACU magazine is shockingly just like your own club magazines, its only as good as the stuff written by volunteers and sent in to be published. So if no one has written anything then it isn't going to get put in!

*rant over*

Oh right so the World supercross title doesn't count then?

What about jamie dobb , yea what else did he ever do? and how tough was the competition the year he won it?

Ok so Alexz "only " won the Youth world title, but he won the spea title the european junior A class ymsa and he would have won the Expert class at the brotish championships had he entered as an adult not youth, so surely that is worth a mention? How many other riders have won every championship they have ridden in, let alone over paid over hyped mx riders. We haven't had a decent world class rider since dave thorpe.

Big deal my ar$e, if thats what you think then best you go to mxlovers.com

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Although I agree it does seem a little strange not to see some sort of report in there, it's always easy to blame everyone but yourself.

Hands up if you sent a trials article in for the ACU magazine. :wacko:

If people want to make money out of trials they're going to have to work their butts off on the PR front as well as the riding.

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Re - Magazine - and once again some opinions not always backed by knowledge or fact.

The ACU Magazine is compiled by an Editor - who is paid to produce and put the thing together.

Rather than just dive in and quote opinion without being able to glean fact ( unlike some comments) I tried to contact him yesterday - but he is in Asia until mid/end January - so it will be then when we find out actual situation.

I will relay some of the things I do know - and this will have to suffice at present.

The deadline for many productions - especially things like the magazine is set many months prior to the actual production. The Editor contacts various people - with an outline of the planned topics he intends to include.

At the T & E we were concerned some time ago - and this was partly due to posts on this site - that information was not getting through - especially Championship results and positions and updates etc.

We were not convinced that an ACU magazine could necessarily be competing on the market on a journalistic type way - that is already catered for - our view was to try to ensure that actual facts about rule changes, emphasis on various Champs and an attempt to ensure support for them.

In addition we would try - I say try - to include articles of interest about events, riders and of course Champions and other notable success. It us the Editor however who plans out the whole thing.

We are asked for contributions and facts etc

Such contributions however take time - and I am starting to wonder why everyone believes that peole like myself - owe it to everyone else to be putting ever more hours into the job - there are only so many hours in a day - and there is the small matter of trying to earn a crust in between. It is a matter of priority of what you can and cannot get done. Everything is important - but not everything gets done.

Now back to the issue. The Editor produces an outline plan of what he thinks will be in the next issue. This was many months ago. The space is limited to a certain amount - and some decisions have to be taken at an early stage. There was obviously going to be the Trial Des Nations - so space was booked for that.

The fact that the emphasis switched to the Womens sucess - actually meant here that the normal report on mens TDN was much reduced.

There would obviously be ISDE - but deadlines meant that it would be next issue when report of event will appear

You will notice that the reports and sort of summing up of the various Championships tend to be in exactly the same format- this again is at the Editors request.

New material is requested - and always has been in the mag - and people are invited to contribute - as of course ar Clubs and Centres. How many of you have contributed? How many of you have sent in say articles about hard working people/ officials in your Club etc - not guaranteed to be used by the Editor- but if he ain't received it you sure as hell will never see it.

To the case in point. In the next issue - space has been booked for an article which will deal almost exclusively with our younger riders - in both Trials and Enduro - and it is here that a report will appear on Alexz success in World and European and also on some of our other young riders - most probably also including Enduro in same article with ref to Tom Sagar and a few others.

The timing of this is not completly guesswork - as this will be very much an emphasis on what young British riders are achieving - and what support they should be given.

It is already well detailed on this site that then intention is now to give ACU support to fewer riders - with the emphasis on " support" rather than training. This has not met with universal approval - and there is work to be done.

The article will hopefully convince those who have doubts that this for 2007 at least is the way forward - and those young riders who have gained sucess will be used as an example of what can be achieved.

I cannot emphasis too much that it will; not just be Trials based - but Trials and Enduro - as without some support - with UEM events in places like Finland and shortly Latvia and Croatia etc - the young Enduro riders are going to find it tough.

When I eventually speak to the Editor I will try to find out why there was not at least a passing refrence to Alexz success in this issue - I do not know - so I am not going to guess, but I am sure the next one will hit the spot.

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