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Stirring The 125 Pot

alan bechard

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I think the age guidelines are good. That keeps those unable to make the transition from holding back or discouraging the rest of the group. Kind of like in the LITES class of SX or MX. The older riders will draw away sponsorship from the up and comers. Which puts the younger riders at a disadvantage to the older sandbagger wannabes. The class should ONLY be for younger riders. I would have disagreed with starting at 10. But after watching the youth nationals........I think thats a good idea!

Edited by paul_thistle
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mich, maybe im wrong I thought you were for a 125 high school and youth class at the nationals and a 125 youth natinal class. Where does that leave the other kids on bigger bikes would there be 2 high school classes and 2 youth classes with only 3-4-5 in it at each national and a double set of youth national winners or would the kids on the larger bikes be excluded from youth classe,high school class and the youth nationals

paul I agree being able to learn a paticular technique is better than keepiing up. So should i keep him riding the same thing over and over. Without a club, and the fact that i absolutly suck at riding especialy compared to the other fathers/minders i cant teach him much. We have a group of riders in our area that ride expert and sr expert at regional events which computes to support line at the nationals. Riding with them helps him a lot plus a lot of fun. Should i tell them ride only the easy stuff when my kids around

I also figure a young Colorado rider must be Bailey Tucker. Being younger than the rest and already on a 250 last year you would think he wouldnt have enough tequinique and should struggle. I saw him ride in oklahoma a couple months ago he looked pretty good to me. Next year 125 class should be interesting.

I asked around about bike size a couple of years ago the advice i got a couple of years ago from a couple of fathers told me get him on a full size as soon as hes confident with it those 125s are a pain to mess with and arent real practical if you own 2 or 3 other bigger bikes. There kids done quite well maybee theve changed there minds I dont see them posting on this matter maybe there just not vocal or maybee their kids have passed the 125 age and it doesnt make any difference.

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Hens, I've always been for choice! Ride whatever you like, I'm accused of all sorts of things, that's just another example of people putting words in my mouth!

Now about old guys on 125cc bikes, I believe that riders like Ray Peters would encourage and help the youngsters if he decided to contest the 125cc National Championship. Face it, Ray has whatever support he already has, him on a 125cc bike would give the youngsters a target. A very solid target that would build the young riders confidence when they beat him.

The 125cc National Championship is about building for the future! Having an old Pro like Ray in there would help not hurt in my opinion. On the other extreme, how many 12 or 13 year olds can ride the Expert line at the US Championship and be safe and learn? I can't think of a single one, so including these age riders is also a pipedream of the NATC.

Clearly they have missed the boat on both ends of the age spectrum on this exciting and important new Championship. Remember hens and company, I'm for choice not restrictions on Americans, if anybody has shown a tendency for restrictions lately it's been the NATC not me!

Hey, remember, they wouldn't even let me ride the nationals in the Pro class. Now that's restrictive and closed minded, which I'm not.

It's funny, the movie Rocky is about following your dreams as a young person and is considered one of the greatest movies of all times by movie experts. I also consider it one of the most important trials inspriatinal movies of all times.

Rocky 6, which will be released Dec. 20th is about an old guy getting one more shot at the big time by accident. Really these movies need to be seen by all the NATC and taken to heart! The NATC has lost their way, they have lost the dream, they need to find their hearts again. They need to remember how to live a dream!

Edited by Mich Lin
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mich sorry somehow i mistakenly got the idea you were for a 125s only high school class and 125s only youth class. glad to see your not. The stage should be set for great nationals especially with other riders joing como in the 125 expert. How about leaving the classes the same the next few years and see what happeneds.

As far as the pro class reckon i could ride it im the probly the poorest rider on the forum I could just punch 5s and have the best seat in the house. I would probly cause bottlenecks on the loops and the sections

btw in this new Rocky movie does he win the fight or just lay down and take a 10 count.

Sorry mich i couldnt resist that next year well have to visit at the youth nationals and see if we cant find some subject we agree on but if we do i aint going to kiss you

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Hi Brian

snowed in more like iced in no riding for last 10 days and probly not for another week. been spinding time pulling calves out of snow and arguing about future 125 classes looks like im outnumbered on 125 issue. .

Bet you wished you were back in new york on the farm right now.

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Hen's, Lay down for a count!!!! I'm chokin on my oatmeal!!! :guinness:

I think if you just go to a national and ride you could make a more informed decision. Go have fun! If you could find someone with a 125 to borrow for a day or so you can see if your son would like it. I agree with Plunker's observations. Since you don't have a 125 now, I would make sure nationals were something I wanted to do before I invested in new hardware.

I would agree with more 125 class divisions. However since that is not what has been done I say go with what is availible. You can always ride a 125 in one of the other classes. Everyone seems to be against theexpense of more trophys. They could always limit the ones they give out it the age group classes. Maybe give a medal or something. After a while you get a huge pile of non descript trophys. They can keep mine and spend more on the youth stuff.

I'm riding one and until I get alot betterI don't see that it has limited it at all. I am not afraid to hold it wide open and drop the clutch to hit something. I think I would be more timid on a bigger bike. It really shows me when I am doing it wrong. It has tought me slipping the clutch with power on. It is a hoot to ride! I also ride for fun! So I know where you are coming from. Keep it fun, find out if you like it and if your son likes it.

Lane, I definately think older riders could teach the younger riders alot. However it would just end up being like the 125 mx nationals with some professional beginners. That would not give our youth the taste of victory. Every now and then you have to let them taste the carrot! They might seem overwhelmed when some 50 year old shows them up. What would be their thougt? I can't wait till I'm 50 so I can ride like that? Have an adult 125 class as well. If needed I'll donate trophies for the whole season for that class( donuts).

Edited by paul_thistle
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sounds like good advice It might make sense to at least ride a national before i comment too much. I was thinking myself about if he had the opertunity to ride a 125 just to see what it is like it would be good as he went from a beta 80 to a 200 before the 280. If he really struggled on the 125 he would apprcieate the riders on 125s more. when he rides good his head gets a little big when he rides not so good he gets more determined. in saying that it kinda makes a point for the 125.

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